Devoir de Philosophie

anglais: Immigration

Publié le 27/12/2011

Extrait du document


Immigration is the act of settling in a foreign country to his intent to stay. Assimilation is the process by which a group of individuals merges into a new broader social context, which means their renunciation of their original culture, not the design of their personality and atomization in society . An immigrant can normally never assimilate, unless it falls into a culture very similar to that of its host country. one can speak of the loss of his home and his sense of belonging that such a great impact on the parent-children. If parents do not feel surrounded and secure, it is difficult to secure their children. \"It feels like home when it belongs to the community, when you are comfortable and when one feels that his family occupies a place. This is what is most important, no matter where you are. \" The inability to communicate within the family and community in their native language has an impact on attachment, we can say for example that the child is at school and speaks only English while parents speak Arabic or when the child wants to adapt to each other and forget their language. language is an obstacle not only for communication but also the development of the sense of belonging. Muslim women with headscarves is respected in his country, one can speak of Iran, for example, while in France, or GB, is mis judged, to say a terrorist. Habitually, she is eating Halal while in his new country can be, maybe it's pork. (Forbidden for Muslims) for exemple Finally, in my opinion, it is often difficult to take the values ​​of other communities because it is to say a loss of self, its practical identity. This makes it difficult for its people to the values ​​of a community outside!

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