The Labour Gouvernment of Attlee
Publié le 16/11/2011
Extrait du document
1 To what extent did the Labour governments of 1945-51 change Britain? Intro post WW2country ready for changeConservatives blamed for depression + appeasment leading to warlabour no more an unknown quantity (WW2 coalition)
Attlee: one of the most transformative leader in Modern british historyIdea of the Welfare State
I- Labour gvt changed Britain
- Beveridge report: fight the 5 giants:
- Want->National Insurance Act 1946-> sick pay, unemployement benefit, pensions-> universal and compulsory
- Disease-> Creation of the NHS 1946-> give medical treatment to evry citizen without charging them at all-> Doctors opposed to this nationalisation -> project brought 2 years late-> dandruff syndrom ( pple come for obscure and trivial pbs)
- Ignorance->Creation of a new education system
- Squalor-> rebuilding houses destroyed-> slum clearance - Idleness-> full employement
Nationalisation +++- 1946 Coal, Aviation, Bank of England- 1947 Transports, electricity- 1948 Gas - 1950 Iron and steel (difficult to justify because profitable companies)
Foreign Policy -> increase role of UK- Integration of UK in NATO- Seat in the council of Security of ONU- Anti communist policy- Convince USA of the need of the Marshall Plan- Decolonisation process (India+Pakistan)-> complicated because of religious divisions-> keep commercial contacts-> not a bloody independence-> but then massacres because of forced migrations+ Guerilla II- Period of consensus - period of political consensus
- Churchill not reverse the reforms of the labour gvt- Consensus:
Massive building policy
pursued full employement
ended Korean War
Maintained NATO commitment
- Consensus in Economy + policy on the Cold War
- But didn't really change the critic situation of economy (1947 currency crisis)
- Not enough housing (failed in this point of the Beveridge report)- Didn't end the rationing Conclusion Labour gvt change UK
- Economically but economic situation still bad (austerity)
- Socially (NHS + Insurance Act)- Educationally- Politically ( before conservative gvts)
- Diplomatically (NATO + ONU)
- Decolonisation process
But due to a period of consensus after WW2need to rebuild the countryCollectivism and cooperation normal since WW2
Liens utiles
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