Devoir de Philosophie

Anglais - Devoir 1 BTS H-R

Publié le 03/01/2017

Extrait du document

Anglais (LV1) code CNED 8176 - Devoir N°1: 1. Identify the following document and then summarize it. (4 points) This document is an extract from an article published in Caterer and Hotel Keeper, on May 2nd 1991. The article is entilled: Waiting in the wings. First, the article is about an announcement of job search, with the qualities required to be a good waiter. It raises the problem of walking often long hours. It highlights importance to be in very good health and to accept that the financial reward will not be always big. Then, in a second part the writter, Roger Capisano (waiter from 1945 till 1962) recalls his personal work experience. 2. Find out about the qualities and skills required to be a good waiter/waitress. (4 points) Qualities require...

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