Devoir de Philosophie

Thoreau anglais

Publié le 28/01/2013

Extrait du document

This text was written by Henry David Thoreau, who is a philosopher, writer and poet. In his work called Disobedience civil he claims the idea of an individual resistance to a government ruled unfair. By means of this idea, Thoreau is considered like the founder of the concept of nonviolence. In his text, he wants to raise their consciousness by criticizing the american society. How to break away from a slave-state? Thoreau gives a solution: a peaceable revolution. Thoreau proceeds in several stages. Firstly, he makes his own checkup of the society who jails his citizens, as many physically as psychologically. For this reason, he calls on a new awakening, it's high time to rebel. I. A criticism of the society. 1. A criticism of the state and his government Thoreassures that the government is unfair because "he imprisons any injustly". As for freer and less desponding spirits, the state rejects them. In other words, two classes can be distinguished: that offree man, rejected by the state and that of enslaved men. In this way, "the only house in a slave-state in which a free man can abide with honnor." There isn't place for free man, other than prison of state. It's necessary to choose: to be a freeman but only and rejected or to be a slave within society.In the opinion of the author, it's in the area of undesiderables that the justice can be really applied, the place where victimes of society can meet. "It's here that the fugitive slave, and the mexican prisoner a parole, and the indian come to plead the wrongs of his race, should find them." Here, there are numerous references: in fisrt time, the slave fugitif can be two persons: maybe he makes reference to the man who decides to be free, the one who is against the state and who, for this reason, was kept at bay. But it's possible than Thoreau speaks about the real slavery. Indeed, in 1846, he reproached state for support the slavery who reigned in the south. The state of Massachussetts had outlawed slavery on its territory since 1780, but, It was not the case of the slave states of the South where men, women and children were bought and sold as of the cattle. Afterwards, Thoreau speaks about Mexican prisonner, it's a reference to the Mexican war, lauched when american congess has voted the annexation of Texas in 1845. It takes place from 1846 till 1848. Finally, when Thoreau speaks about Indian man, he makes reference to the difficult history of the Amerindians. Indeed, the problems between American and Amerindian have for cause the desire expansionist of thirteen british colonies in north amer...

« to keep all just men in prison, or give up war and slavery, the State will not hesitate which to choose." The state is personified and seems like a tyrant in his proper sense.

The tyrant is the one who practises an opressing power, a despotic, unfair, and cruel sovereign. 2.

A criticism of population. For Thoreau, the state rubs out all humanity to men.

He makes a violent metaphor : "Through this wound a man's real manhood and immortality flow out, and he bleeds to an everlasting death.

I see this blood flowing now." The state kills the man who bleeds, and this blood is the one of dignity, of all which makes of the being a human person.

The enslaved man is devoid of humanity, he's a robot, the robot of society, the citizen of the tyrany.

And even thougs some people claim to be free, they can't do without government, because this last guarantees a protection, he has means of which lot of people can't needs.

Furthermore, this people are afraid by the repression in case of disobedience.

Milgram, hundred of years later, analyzes this concept of obedience.

His experience is an experience of psychology realized between 1960 and 1963, which tried to estimate the degree of obedience of an individual in front of authority which he considers legitimate.

It's equally to analyze the process of submission in the autority, in particular when it lead actions against the morality of the man.

Results are astounding, Milgram takes place in a frame evolutionist and speculates that the obedience is a behavior inherent to the life in society and that the integration of an individual in a hierarchy implies that his own functioning is changed, the human being passes then from the autonomous mode to the systematic mode where he becomes the agent of the authority.

This experience confirms the remarks of Thoreau: the state removes the humanity of the being.

The man has to assume when he feels at ease within the state which he does not dispute.

Thoreau uses an example of the Bible.

Hérodiens asks Jesus if they have to pay the tribute to Caesar.

Cesar responds: "Render therefore to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God those things which are God's." By paying the tribute to Caesar, the citizens pay the right for their tranquillity.

As for god, it is not some money that the citizens have to give, but some worship (dévotion) and the love and sacrifice.

Jesus puts the principle that a power which exists de facto must be recognocized by the divine providence.

The christian has to submit himself to it.

But also, Jesus etablishes the distinction between two spheres of the temporal and the spiritual, Caesar's rights and God's rights.

But here, the men don't understand this difference, because they don't want know her.

For them, it is a simple question of money, to trap Jésus.

Thus, here still the money changes the man in superficial person. 3.

A criticism of the money. The money is the symbol of the interdependence between the state and citizens .

Less we have money, less we have taxation, less we are dependent to the state.

Free people are free because thay "have not spent much time in accumulating property." In this way, the money is, partly, responsibly for subjection of citizens.

A "rich man is alaways sold to the institution which makes him rich." , this expression is very violent because it gives a impression of a world of business.

The men is become a number, a capital.

The money perverts the man, "the more money, the less virtue." The man is transformed by the money, he becomes superficial, the. »


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