56 résultats pour "comica"
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
English playwright and poet William Shakespeare, who lived in the late 1500s and early 1600s, is regarded as the greatest
dramatist in the history of English literature.
Avon, Warwickshire, a prosperous town in the English Midlands. Based on this record and on the fact that children in Shakespeare’s time were usually baptized two orthree days after birth, April 23 has traditionally been accepted as his date of birth. The third of eight children, William Shakespeare was the eldest son of John Shakespeare, a locally prominent glovemaker and wool merchant, and Mary Arden, thedaughter of a well-to-do landowner in the nearby village of Wilmcote. The young Shakespeare...
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
including the sacred style of church music and the so-called galant (courtly) idiom. The elegant though often superficial galant style dominated much instrumental music of the 1760s and 1770s. Mozart’s mastery often demonstrates itself in an ability to expand and deepen the stylistic possibilities of the time. The manner in which heextended the character and form of the concerto, for instance, owes much to his experience in writing operatic arias. A Musical Expressiveness In the masterful Je...
Intro du droit
A la différence du pharaon en Egypte, le roi n’est pas exceptionnellement divinisé. Il n’est pas un dieu mais juste un représentant . Le choix du roi est cependant inspiré par les dieux. Il reçoit des dieux le trône, le sceptre, la couronne. A partir de là, la législation est réputée avoir une origine divine . La Mésopotamie a fourni un nombre considérable de documents ; en effet, 400 mille documents juridiques sont conservés à l’heure actuelle dans les musées, et ce sur une périod...
- La royauté homérique
histoire du droit
Ex : aujourd’hui dans certains pays, par exemple lorsque l’islam est religion d’Etat le Coran imprègne le Droit. Ces 3 exemples montrent la convergence entre Droit et religion. De nos jours on souligne les différences entre les deux : on souligne que les 2 n’ont pas la même finalité car le Droit s’occupe de la vie en société alors que la religion vise le salut de l’individu. Dans le texte religieux il y a des prescriptions sociales. Ils n’ont pas la même sanction, la sanction reli...
Johann Sebastian Bach.
from his duties, and even tossed him into jail for “too obstinately requesting his dismissal.” But after several weeks the duke saw it was of no use and let him go. E Köthen: 1717-1723 Bach’s new employer, Leopold, loved and understood music and could play the violin, viola da gamba, and harpsichord as well as sing bass. The prince held Bach in highregard and stood as godfather for his seventh child. Bach, in turn, named the child Leopold August in his employer’s honor. Bach later said that the...