212 résultats pour "innovations"
campagnes, histoire des
campagnes, histoire des, histoire de l'espace rural, par opposition à l'histoire des villes.
seigneurie apparaît comme le pouvoir local par excellence, mettant en place le système de la vassalité. Le seigneur capte le banum, ou ban, pouvoir royal à l’origine ; il exerce également la justice et peut donc condamner ou arbitrer des conflits ; il prélève des taxes diverses sur le commerce et met en valeur la réserve seigneuriale enpartie grâce à de multiples corvées (charroi, labours) ; il perçoit les banalités qui découlent du monopole qu’il détient sur certaines activités (moulin, four,...
- Accroître la concurrence est-ce toujours source d'efficacité économique et sociale ?
Renaissance, art de la - peinture.
Les artistes de la première Renaissance estiment qu’il est nécessaire de joindre à leurs travaux les écrits qui fondent leur art. Ainsi, de nombreux traités permettant de fournir des outils théoriques à la pratique artistique voient le jour ; le plus souvent, ces livres sont rédigés par les artistes eux-mêmes, ou par des penseurs humanistes ayant une pratique artistique. C’est le cas du plus célèbre d’entre eux, Leon Battista Alberti, philosophe, lettré, mathématicien, théoricien de l’art et sur...
Lee Strasberg
American acting teacher Lee Strasberg was best known for his association with the Actors Studio, of which he became the
artistic director in 1951.
truthfully felt those emotions at the moment they expressed them. Finding the true feeling in the proper place and time on stage, however, was a problem that Aristotleaddressed less well. He concluded that acting was an occupation for the gifted or insane. How to cross the artistic boundary beyond feigned emotions and flat imitation obsessed many Greek actors. In 315 BC the tragedian Polus carried the real ashes of his recently deceased son in an urn to stimulate a sense of genuine grief when h...
- The way in which companies frame themselves, their products and their clients
Map - Geography.
Often only southeast slopes are hachured or shaded, giving somewhat the effect of a bird's-eye view of the area illuminated by light from the northwest. Shadings orcarefully drawn hachures, neither of which give elevations, are more easily interpreted than contour lines and are sometimes used in conjunction with them for greaterclarity. IV MAP PROJECTIONS For the representation of the entire surface of the earth without any kind of distortion, a map must have a spherical surface; a map of this...
Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker
The Nutcracker is a classic ballet with music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Joffrey Ballet SchoolTraining for classical ballet dancers must begin when the students are very young. Here, teacher Dorothy Lister workswith her pre-ballet class of six-year-olds at the Joffrey Ballet School. These students are learning the five basic positions ofclassical ballet.Susan Kunklin/Photo Researchers, Inc. Different systems of ballet training have evolved, named after countries (Russia, France) or teachers (Italian dancer Enrico Cecchetti, Danish choreographer AugustBournonville). T...
Safety is very important to all skiers, and all Alpine resorts have a ski patrol. The ski patrol’s responsibility is to take care of injured skiers, to mark hazardous spots ontrails, to make sure that trails are in good condition before opening them, and, at times, to act as traffic police in congested areas. Skiers are also responsible for takingtheir own safety into consideration, as well as that of others. Anyone who participates in the sport should be aware of the Skier’s Responsibility Code...
Philadelphia (city, Pennsylvania) - geography.
national trend of migration from eastern cities to the warmer climate of the Sun Belt. Whereas in 1950 Philadelphia contained more than 2 million people and ranked as the third largest city in America, the city's population plunged to 1,517,550 by 2000.In 2006, the city's population was estimated at 1,448,394. While the city proper was decreasing in population, the metropolitan area centered on Philadelphia grew. In 2006 the region had 6.2 million inhabitants. Philadelphiaranked as the nation’s...
- Droit administratif
- Quels Sont Les Effets Du Progrés Technique Sur L'emploi ?
La Mondialisation, phénomène économique, social et culturel
1976-1980 1981-1985 1986-1990 1991 1992 1993 1998 Investissements directs 39 43 163 184 173 173 611 Investissements de portefeuille 26 77 215 340 326 620