Devoir de Philosophie

The minorities

Publié le 31/01/2014

Extrait du document

A minority is a group differing, especially in race, religion or ethnic background, from the majority of a population. Jonh LEWIS thinks if we isolate them they become worse and won't progress economically and socially. Must « all move up on down together «. On the one hand, minorities have to do all is necessary to integrate the society.In fact they have to show they exist, they are here !!! Because in this society, the majority often has all rights and power. So that why they must struggle to be on an equal footing with them, to have the same rights, the same free...

« protect them for health...

Moreover, the risk is that to lost the habits, the language, the customs and the culture from the country because of integration of the minorities.

Like in France, there is an arab culture which is somewhat installed, for example it exist mosque for muslims.

  To conclude, I think it's important that minorities are integrate in society because we are all equals, we must have the same rights, blacks like whites, woman like man...

Nobody shouldn't be rejected or victims of discrimination.

To my mind we have to respect us each other.

But a country must keep its culture, its origin represents it. . »


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