22 résultats pour "harri"
- Harris, Zellig - Langues et Linguistique.
- Harris Zellig Sabbetai, né en 1909 à Balta (Ukraine), linguiste américain.
- Le papyrus magique Harris
Disputed Presidential Election of 2000 - U.
counts. At oral arguments on November 20, the justices seemed to be most interested in one issue: At what point did allowing re-counts risk making Florida too late toparticipate in the electoral college vote? Gore’s lawyers, led by David Boies, argued that the state had until December 12 to pick its electors, which allowed plenty oftime for the re-counts. Electors from each state would meet on December 18 to cast their votes. The next day the court ruled unanimously for Gore and granted a five-d...
Ski nordisch: Medaillengewinner der Olympischen Winterspiele.
1924 Thorleif Haug, NOR Thoralf Strømstad, NOR Johan Gröttumsbraten, NOR 1928 Per-Erik Hedlund, SWE Gustaf Jonsson, SWE Volger Andersson, SWE 1932 Veli Saarinen, FIN Väinö Liikkanen, FIN Arne Rustadstuen, NOR 1936 Elis Wiklund, SWE Axel Wikström, SWE Nils-Joel Englund, SWE 1948 Nils Karlsson, SWE Harald Eriksson, SWE Benjamin Vanninen, FIN 1952 Veikko Hakulinen, FIN Eero Kolehmainen, FIN Magnar Estenstad, NOR 1956 Sixten Jernberg, SWE Veikko Hakulinen, FIN Fjodor Terentjew, URS 1960 Kalevi Hämäl...
- Le papyrus Harris L texte funéraire ou politique ?
- Le papyrus Harris I, texte funéraire ou politique ?
- ONCLE RÉMUS ou Le roman de Frère Lapin Joël Chandler Harris - résumé, analyse
Trente-cinq jours de suspense
Thanksgiving) et c'est ce qui sera invoqué par la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis pour renvoyer leur copie aux magistrats deTallahassee. En vertu de quels textes, la Cour suprême de Floride a-t-elle pu autoriser un délai autre que celui de sept jours quifigure dans la loi et se substituer au législateur ?, interrogent les neuf juges de Washington. On compte donc et on recompte pendant le week-end férié. Mais avec des fortunes diverses. Le comté de Broward donne567 voix de plus à Gore, bien que le...
Houston - geography.
Prominent historical and cultural institutions include the Civic Center Complex, located in the central business district. The complex is composed of the George R. BrownConvention Center; the Wortham Center, which is the home of the Houston Grand Opera and the Houston Ballet; and the Jesse H. Jones Hall for Performing Arts, whichis the home of the Houston Symphony. The nearby Alley Theatre houses a professional repertory acting company. Among other local professional performance groupsare the Ma...
From Bush v.
legal requirements. This case has shown that punch card balloting machines can produce an unfortunate number of ballots which are not punched in a clean, complete way by the voter.After the current counting, it is likely legislative bodies nationwide will examine ways to improve the mechanisms and machinery for voting. B The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States unless and until the state legislature chooses astatewide...
Leichtathletik (Männer): Medaillengewinner der Olympischen Sommerspiele.
1896 Thomas Burke, USA 54,2 Herbert Jamison, USA 55,2 Charles Gmelin, GBR 55,6 1900 Maxwell 'Maxey' Long, USA 49,4 William Holland, USA 49,6 Ernst Schutz, DEN - 1904 Harry Hillman, USA 49,2 Frank Waller, USA 49,9 Herman Groman, USA 50,0 1906 Paul Pilgrim USA 53,2 Wyndham Halswelle,GBR 53,8 Nigel Barker, AUS 54,1 1908 Wyndham Halswelle, GBR 150,0 1912 Charles Reidpath, USA 48,2 Hanns Braun, GER 48,3 Edward Lindberg, USA 48,4 1920 Bevil Rudd, RSA 49,6 Guy Butler, GBR 49,9 Nils Engdahl, SWE 50,0 1...
Canadian Football Hall of Fame.
Fieldgate, Norm Player 1979 Fleming, Willie Player 1982 Flutie, Darren Player 2007 Forster, Sidney (Sid) Builder 2001 Foulds, William Builder 1963 Frank, Bill Player 2001 Fulton, Greg Builder 1995 Gabriel, Tony Peter Player 1985 Gaines, Gene Player 1994 Gall, Hugh Player 1963 Gaudaur, Jake Builder 1984 George, Ed Player 2005 Gibson, Frank Builder 1996 Golab, Tony Player 1964 Grant, Bud Builder 1983 Grant, Tommy Player 1995 Grey, Herbert Player 1983 Gray, Lord Earl Builder 1963 Griffing, Dean Pla...
Canadian Football Hall of Fame.
Fieldgate, Norm Player 1979 Fleming, Willie Player 1982 Flutie, Darren Player 2007 Forster, Sidney (Sid) Builder 2001 Foulds, William Builder 1963 Frank, Bill Player 2001 Fulton, Greg Builder 1995 Gabriel, Tony Peter Player 1985 Gaines, Gene Player 1994 Gall, Hugh Player 1963 Gaudaur, Jake Builder 1984 George, Ed Player 2005 Gibson, Frank Builder 1996 Golab, Tony Player 1964 Grant, Bud Builder 1983 Grant, Tommy Player 1995 Grey, Herbert Player 1983 Gray, Lord Earl Builder 1963 Griffing, Dean Pla...
Gautier, elleestprésente dansleSinaï eten Palestine etconstruit àHéliopolis et,bien sûr,Thèbes, oùelle se fait édifier untemple funéraire ausud duRamesseum etune tombe danslaVallée desRois (VdR 14). Cette dernière serausurpée etterminée parSethnakht, aprèsquelecreusement qu'ilavait entrepris dela tombe 11,qu'il sedestinait àl'origine, avaitfaitdéboucher accidentellement lestravailleurs danslatombe 10 voisine, celled'Amenmès. Sethnakhtdéclareavoirchassé l'usurpateur (KRIV671,10-672,14), etlePapyr...
encyclopédiques modernes et les encyclopédies comme le Grand Dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle (1866-1876), de Pierre Larousse, illustrent le principe des petites rubriques. L’autre approche a conduit à des encyclopédies qui tiennent davantage de la compilation de monographies et d’articles de synthèse. 3. 2 Les dictionnaires encyclopédiques On peut considérer que la première encyclopédie de type « dictionnaire » est le Grand Dictionnaire historique, ou le Mélange curieux de l’histoire...
Sexual Harassment.
A person who believes he or she has experienced sexual harassment on the job has a limited period of time in which to file a complaint with the EEOC. After the EEOCinvestigates the matter, it issues a right to sue letter, regardless of its conclusions about the matter. The victim then has 90 days to file a lawsuit against the employer in federal court. If he or she is successful in the lawsuit, the victim can receive up to $300,000 in compensatory damages for each incident of unlawful harassme...
American Music
American Music, the folk, popular, and classical music of the United States--created by American-born or American-trained composers, or originating in American
culture, or written primarily for American audiences.
The country's first permanent orchestra was the New York Philharmonic Society, founded in 1842. Among the first symphonic and operatic composers the mostprominent was William Henry Fry, who composed the first opera by an American ( Leonora, 1845). Fry is best remembered, however, for four symphonies written in the 1850s and 1860s. George F. Bristow wrote the first opera on an American theme; his Rip Van Winkle was performed in New York City in 1855. Town bands, a popular form of community mu...
- Kirvesniemi Harri
Nauru (2002-2003)
Il n'y aura plus de chassé-croisé à la tête de l'État entre René Harris et
Bernard Dowiyogo, président...
Nauru (2002-2003) Il n'y aura plus de chassé-croisé à la tête de l'État entre René Harris et Bernard Dowiyogo, président sortant qui s'est éteint le 11 mars 2003. Ludwig Scotty a...
Children's Literature
Kate Greenaway's May Day
The delicate skill and graceful simplicity of English artist Kate Greenaway's illustrations delighted children and impressed
thinkers, including art critic John Ruskin.
With the development of vernacular literature, particularly after the invention of printing, more children's books appeared. The publications of the first English printer,William Caxton, included the Book of Curtesye (1477), a collection of rhymes that sets forth rules of conduct for a “goodly chylde.” Eight years later Caxton printed Le Morte d'Arthur (1469-1470; The Death of Arthur ) by English translator and compiler Sir Thomas Malory, which became the basis for later treatments of the A...