131 résultats pour "prairie"
La surface de la Terre n'est pas uniforme, mais
2 régions les plus arides de la Terre. Dans les déserts chauds, les températures diurnes dépassent 38 °C et il ne pleut jamais, car les masses d’air en mouvement ont perdu toute la vapeur d’eau qu’elles contenaient. Les savanes sont des prairies tropicales plus ou moins arides, où des arbres poussent parfois çà et là. Ces étendues herbacées plus ou moins arborées caractérisent les régions tropicales et subtropicales où la température est constamment élevée, et où il existe des variations saison...
South Africa - country.
The major soil zones are conditioned largely by climatic factors. In the semiarid north and west, soils are alkaline and poorly developed. In the southern part of WesternCape Province, rain falls mostly in the winter months, and soils there form slowly and are generally thin and immature. The moderate temperatures and summer rainfallof the High Veld and eastern coastal areas create conditions for more productive organic decomposition, leading to dark, fertile soils, or chernozems, similar to tho...
Amerikanische Literatur (Sprache & Litteratur).
toleranten Aufklärers Kritik sowohl am Christentum wie auch am Atheismus, wobei ersteres heftige Reaktionen von Seiten des amerikanischen Publikums nach sich zog.Äußerst stark rezipiert hingegen wurde die gegen England gerichtete Satire M’Fingal (1775-1782) des Rechtsgelehrten und Dichters John Trumbull. Politisch engagierte Lyrik schrieb auch der vielseitig interessierte Dichter Philip Morin Freneau, dessen allegorisches Gedicht The House of Night (1779) Merkmale der in der Romantik verbrei...
Arkansas - geography.
temperature rises to the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F). C2 Precipitation Arkansas receives about 1,000 to 1,300 mm (about 40 to 50 in) of precipitation a year, and some areas receive even more. Most of the rain comes during winter andspring and at times is so heavy as to cause flooding. Snow is rare in the south but amounts to more than 250 mm (10 in) a year in the mountains. C3 Growing Season Arkansas has a long growing season. It averages 211 days for the state as a whole and ranges from 241...
Arkansas - USA History.
temperature rises to the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F). C2 Precipitation Arkansas receives about 1,000 to 1,300 mm (about 40 to 50 in) of precipitation a year, and some areas receive even more. Most of the rain comes during winter andspring and at times is so heavy as to cause flooding. Snow is rare in the south but amounts to more than 250 mm (10 in) a year in the mountains. C3 Growing Season Arkansas has a long growing season. It averages 211 days for the state as a whole and ranges from 241...
La vie dans les lisières
i j 0 L'expression « se porter comme un charme » (Carpinus betulus) rend hommage à la vitalité de cet arbre, souvent employé pour constituer des haies . Point de contact entre d'un côté la forêt, de l'autre les champs et les prairies, la lisière cumule les bénéfices des différents milieux qu'elle sépare: elle favorise le développement d'une flore abon dante et variée tout au long de l'année , qui offre à toute une faune une tabl...
Correspondance Baudelaire Commentaire
les couleurs et les sons se répondent ". C'est un vers particulièrement travaillé au niveau syntaxique, avec l'énumération de 3 sujets participant à la même action. Voix pronominale réciproque : chaque sujet agit sur l'autre. La formule revêt presque la tonalité d'une maxime, et est une règle essentielle du symbolisme. On appréciera la structure du quatrain nous permettant d'attendre la maxime, la laisse en suspend, et en exprimant d'abord une 1ère comparaison : " Comme de long éch...
ANDAIN, substantif masculin.
? 6. Le foin tourbillonnait, voltigeait aux cris de la vieille. Il couvrait de nouveau toute l'aire lorsque ce vent follet retomba. Perrine, furieusement, jurait que ce foin ?tait en andains, des andains qui ressemblaient aux vagues de la mer! HENRI POURRAT, Gaspard des Montagnes, La Tour du Levant, 1931, page 123. Remarque?: Il existe une variante r?gionalisme andon?: " Ils travaillaient de compagnie ? retourner les ? andons ? de seigle qu'on avait fauch?s pour les donner au b?tail. " (?. MO...
Architecte: Frank Lloyd Wright
La seconde expérience qui marqua profon dément le jeune Wright fut les vacances d'été qu'il passa dans la ferme de son oncle à Spring: il y fit l 'apprentissage de l 'effort physique en même temps qu'il découvrit et apprit à respecter la terre, la nature et les ressources qu 'elles offraient. Chose étonnante, Wright ne fait pas de longues études d'architecture. Dès 1885, il tra vaille comme stagiaire dans le cabinet d'Allen O. Conn...
Neil Young - Musik.
1996 Dead Man (Soundtrack) Guitar Solo 1Guitar Solo 6 2000 Silver & Gold Silver & GoldDaddy Went Walkin'Razor Love 2002 Are You Passionate? Let's RollGoin' Home 2003 Greendale Falling from AboveLeave the DrivingBandit 2005 Prairie Wind The PainterThis Old GuitarWhen God Made Me Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
La Vanoise : vers une gestion durable de la haute montagne
au dévelo ppement de ce tourisme, et la pénétration facile grâce aux grandes vallées permet aussi un accès simple à ces massifs. Un grand nombre de stations de sport d’hiver se trouvent dans la zone d’adhésion du parc national : Champagny en fait partie (à environ 1 500 m du parc). L’aménagement touristique de la montagne, qui prend naissance à la fin des années 1950, entraîne des modifications des milieux montagnards (bétonisation,...
Une vie
encore, et elle ne rêvait que la campagne.
ce ruissellement tiède, se sentait revivre ainsi qu'une plante enfermée qu'on vient de remettre à l'air ; et l'épaisseur de sa joie, comme un feuillage, abritait son coeur de la tristesse. Bien qu'elle ne parlât pas, elle avait envie de chanter, de tendre au-dehors sa main pour l'emplir d'eau qu'elle boirait ; et elle jouissait d'être emportée au grand trot des chevaux, de voir la désolation des paysages, et de se sentir à l'abri au milieu de cette inondation. Et sous la pluie acharnée l...
Frank Lloyd Wright.
C Usonian Houses Wright achieved his goal of low-cost, democratic American architecture with his Usonian houses of the 1930s. Usonia was Wright’s term for the United States of North America, with an i added for a pleasing sound. The Usonian house had a simple design, usually with an L-shaped floor plan. This plan separated the noisier living space on one leg of the L from the quieter bedroom space on the other leg. The floor was made of concrete slabs, typically in a square grid of 4 by 4...
La notion d'écosystème constitue un concept clé en écologie.
niche écologique photosynthèse substances naturelles Les livres écosystèmes - un exemple d'écosystème : le lac, page 1568, volume 3 Le flux de l'énergie dans les écosystèmes Le seul intrant énergétique des écosystèmes est donc constitué par l'énergie solaire. À chaque étape de sa circulation dans les écosystèmes, une partie de l'énergie est transformée en travail cellulaire grâce à la respiration. Cela s'effectue avec une perte, car les rendements énergétiques sont toujours inférieurs à...
- Canada
Montréal - geography.
percent), and Eastern Orthodox (2.8 percent) religions. Another 5.4 percent claim no religious affiliation. IV EDUCATION AND CULTURE Montréal has a large number of private schools, most of them partially funded by the province. Like the rest of Québec province, Montréal has two public schoolsystems, one for French speakers and one for English speakers. The Charter of the French Language (1977), known as Bill 101, restricts access to English-languageschools and requires children of immigrants t...
Montréal - Geography.
percent), and Eastern Orthodox (2.8 percent) religions. Another 5.4 percent claim no religious affiliation. IV EDUCATION AND CULTURE Montréal has a large number of private schools, most of them partially funded by the province. Like the rest of Québec province, Montréal has two public schoolsystems, one for French speakers and one for English speakers. The Charter of the French Language (1977), known as Bill 101, restricts access to English-languageschools and requires children of immigrants t...
Amérique du Sud.
2.5 Climat Le climat de l'Amérique du Sud est relativement chaud. Une longue zone climatique humide et tropicale s'étire sur toute la largeur du continent à la hauteur de l'Équateur,se transformant graduellement vers le nord et vers le sud en de larges zones où la durée des saisons pluvieuses et les précipitations diminuent. Ces régions, aux étéshumides et aux hivers secs, sont soumises à des sécheresses prolongées. La sécheresse est un problème particulièrement grave dans le nord-est du Brésil...
Six general landform regions are distinguishable in Canada: the Appalachian Region, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Canadian Shield, the Great Plains,the Canadian Cordillera, and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. B1 Appalachian Region and Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands Eastern Canada consists of the Appalachian Region and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands. The Appalachian Region embraces Newfoundland Island, NovaScotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the G...
Canada - country.
Six general landform regions are distinguishable in Canada: the Appalachian Region, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Canadian Shield, the Great Plains,the Canadian Cordillera, and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. B1 Appalachian Region and Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands Eastern Canada consists of the Appalachian Region and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands. The Appalachian Region embraces Newfoundland Island, NovaScotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the G...
Canada - Canadian History.
Six general landform regions are distinguishable in Canada: the Appalachian Region, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Canadian Shield, the Great Plains,the Canadian Cordillera, and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. B1 Appalachian Region and Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands Eastern Canada consists of the Appalachian Region and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands. The Appalachian Region embraces Newfoundland Island, NovaScotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the G...
Asie, continent du monde, regroupant 46 pays répartis sur six
On pourrait comparer le cœur du massif montagneux de l’Asie à une gigantesque roue, dont les rayons sont formés par de grands cours d’eau qui s’écoulent dans toutes lesdirections. Sept d’entre eux figurent parmi les douze plus longs fleuves du monde. Prenant naissance au nord et au nord-est du massif, la Lena, l’Ienisseï et l’Ob se jettentdans l’océan Arctique. Ils ont auparavant traversé de larges plaines alluviales. Vers l’ouest, des rivières comme l’Ili, le Syr-Daria et l’Amou-Daria dévalent...
British Columbia - Geography.
hemlock, Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, and various cedars, grows rapidly in the mild, wet climate and produces the largest trees in Canada. In the dry lowlands of thesouthern and central interior, ponderosa and lodgepole pines, aspen, and bunchgrass are characteristic. Spruce dominates the Prince George region. Prairie grasses andstands of aspen are found in the northeastern corner of the province. At elevations higher than about 1,800 m (about 6,000 ft), an alpine vegetation of shrubs, mosses,and...
British Columbia - Canadian History.
hemlock, Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, and various cedars, grows rapidly in the mild, wet climate and produces the largest trees in Canada. In the dry lowlands of thesouthern and central interior, ponderosa and lodgepole pines, aspen, and bunchgrass are characteristic. Spruce dominates the Prince George region. Prairie grasses andstands of aspen are found in the northeastern corner of the province. At elevations higher than about 1,800 m (about 6,000 ft), an alpine vegetation of shrubs, mosses,and...
North America - Geography.
D Climate Although North America has considerable climatic variety, five principal climatic regions can be identified. The northern two-thirds of Canada and Alaska, as well as all ofGreenland, have subarctic and arctic climates, in which long, dark, bitterly cold winters alternate with brief, mild summers. Most of the region, which receives relativelylittle precipitation, is covered with snow and ice during much of the year. A second climatic region is made up of the eastern two-thirds of the U...
South America - Geography.
South America is dominated by relatively warm climatic regimes. Spanning nearly the entire continent along the equator is a belt of humid tropical climate that grades tothe north and south into broad zones where the length of the rainy season and the amount of rainfall diminish. These zones have wet summers and dry winters and aresubject to prolonged droughts. Droughts are a particularly serious problem in northeastern Brazil and along the northern coast of Venezuela and Colombia. The areas ofra...
Colorado - geography.
Although the rivers of Colorado are navigable only by small boats, they are important as a source of irrigation water for use in Colorado and adjoining states. However,the water level of the rivers fluctuates seasonally and from year to year. The level is generally low in winter and high in spring and summer, during the runoff of meltedsnow from the mountains. Colorado has no large lakes of natural origin, but there are numerous small lakes in the mountains. The largest bodies of water in Colora...
Colorado - USA History.
Although the rivers of Colorado are navigable only by small boats, they are important as a source of irrigation water for use in Colorado and adjoining states. However,the water level of the rivers fluctuates seasonally and from year to year. The level is generally low in winter and high in spring and summer, during the runoff of meltedsnow from the mountains. Colorado has no large lakes of natural origin, but there are numerous small lakes in the mountains. The largest bodies of water in Colora...
Ontario - Geography.
governed Ontario’s initial settlement and development. The province’s most important river is the St. Lawrence. Its route was much improved and enlarged by dredgingand canal building in the mid-20th century. This enabled large ocean-going vessels to reach Great Lake ports ( see St. Lawrence Seaway). The Ottawa River was an important early route to the interior for fur traders and timber merchants. The Niagara River, because of its falls, is a great center of hydroelectric power as well as aninte...
Ontario - Canadian History.
governed Ontario’s initial settlement and development. The province’s most important river is the St. Lawrence. Its route was much improved and enlarged by dredgingand canal building in the mid-20th century. This enabled large ocean-going vessels to reach Great Lake ports ( see St. Lawrence Seaway). The Ottawa River was an important early route to the interior for fur traders and timber merchants. The Niagara River, because of its falls, is a great center of hydroelectric power as well as aninte...
- Madame bovary