699 résultats pour "rangées"
- Coast Ranges.
Introduction Avez-vous déjà ressenti ce sentiment de frustration en cherchant désespérément quelque chose dans un espace encombré ? Ou au contraire, avez-vous savouré le calme d'un environnement bien ordonné, propice à la concentration et à la détente ? Aujourd'hui, nous allons explorer un aspect souvent sous-estimé mais fondamental de notre quotidien : le rangement. Le rangement va bien au-delà de la simple organisation de nos affaires. C'est une clé pour gagner du temps, améliorer...
- Ranger (spacecraft) - astronomy.
Franz Kafka : « Écrire, c’est faire un pas en dehors de la rangée des assassins. »
Kafka quand il assimile la création littéraire à « un bond hors du rang des meurtriers » ? Écartons tout de suite - le reste de l'œuvre nous y autorise- quelques explications simplistes. Il ne s'agit en aucune manière d'une allusion à un quelconque «engagement» de l'écrivain. L'interprétation consis tant à présenter l'écrivain comme le dernier des justes et se distinguant par là de la foule où s'affrontent des ambitions égoïstes et meurtrièr...
- Cascade Range - geography.
- Cascade Range - geography.
Dès ce jour-là, l'existence changea sur le rang trois dont Cadieu devint vraiment le
préparer lesterres. Entrelesplus grosses souches qu’onnepourrait enleverqu’après deux outrois années, onentreprit lespremiers labours.CadieuetLabrèche manœuvraient tantbien quemal. L’Ukrainien, legros Mélançon etFlorent serelayaient à la petite charrue àmanches dontlecoutre butaitsouvent contreuneroche ouune racine. Lereste – etc’était lestrois quarts – sefaisait àla pioche. Lesfemmes s’ymirent aussi etmême lesplus grands desenfants quitiraient ouportaient lesmorceaux de racines surlesénormes ta...
Robert Frost
Robert Frost
Usually set amid the natural beauty of rural New England, the concise, direct poetry of American poet Robert Frost
conveys a wide range of emotions.
Frost's Collected Poems (1930) won him his second Pulitzer Prize. And his next two collections— A Further Range (1936) and A Witness Tree (1942)—also won Pulitzers. He then wrote two plays in blank verse. The first, A Masque of Reason (1945), received lukewarm praise from critics. The second, A Masque of Mercy (1947), which is a modern treatment of Christian biblical figures, was more successful. Frost's final volumes of poetry were Steeple Bush (1947) and In the Clearing (1962). Th...
- Sierra Madre (mountain range, Mexico) - geography.
prince du sang : il galope sur tout le monde et tout le monde se range.
groupe deshuguenots ralliés,Henri,qui,quelle quefûtsapuissance surlui-même etsiétendu quefûtledegré de dissimulation dontleCiel l’avait doté,n’yput tenir. Ilprétexta l’odeurimpure querépandaient tousces débris humains ; ets’approchant deCharles IX,qui, côte àcôte avec Catherine, étaitarrêté devant lesrestes de l’amiral : –Sire, dit-il, Votre Majesté netrouve-t-elle pasque, pour rester pluslongtemps ici,cepauvre cadavre sent bien mauvais ? – Tu trouves, Henriot ! ditCharles IX,dont lesyeux étince...
- Basins and Ranges - geography.
MÉMOIRES D'UNE JEUNE FILLE RANGÉE Simone de Beauvoir (résumé)
toujours défendue d'avoir voulu faire de sa vie une œuvre d'art, manifestant en cela son souci de préserver au cœur de la littérature cette authenticité chère aux écrivains existentialistes. tDrnOHs• De Beauvoir. Mémoires d'une jei.UU! flUe I'CIIgée. G&lllmard. •Folio•. 1972 et dans Œuvres 1'0malle3QU&, Club de l'Honnête Homme. 1980- 1981. truœ • Francis Jeanson. Stmone de Beauvoir ou l'Entreprise du livre. Le Seuil. 1966.
- Former des dizaines Découvrir Une bibliothèque bien rangée o Faire observer l'illustration puis faire compter les livres sur l'étagère du haut.
- LE RANG ET LE BIEN - Marivaux
- Olympus Greek A mountain range in northern Greece.
- Sierra Madre (mountain range, Mexico) - geography.
- Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée [Simone de Beauvoir] - Fiche de lecture.
Relégués autrefois par les Occidentaux au rang de curiosités exotiques,
une riche histoire. Au XV e siècle, on sait que les Dogons de l'actuel Mali ont remplacé les Tellems dans leur habitat ancien. Les Mandés, originaires de l'Empire du Mali, se sont retirés au XVI e siècle vers le sud, où ils ont constitué en partie le noyau des futurs groupes Dans et Gouros. Au XVII e et au XVIII e siècle, des ensembles issus de la Confédération achantie (créée dès le XIV e siècle) de l'actuel Ghana se sont dirigés vers l'ouest et sont devenus les Baoulés, Agnis ou Abrons. De...
Comment la Chine a-t-elle réussi a se hisser au rang des plus grandes puissances mondiales ?
Quatre grande puissance mondial ce partage aujourd’hui un pourcentage important du PIB mondial a eux seul. a croissance et le développement rapide de pays en développement tel que l’Inde, le brésil, Corée du Sud ou encore la chine a permis de réduire la pauvreté mais a encore accrue les inégalités. La Chine est tout particulièrement concerné par ce phénomène, plus médiatisé et mise sur le devant de la scène mondial, elle ce positionne comme porte parole de ces pays, mais elle n’a pas tou...
- Ranger des objets du plus petit au plus grand Découvrir Des bandes de toutes les longueurs o Consigne a.
- Étrange, mystérieuse consolation donnée par la littérature, dangereuse peut-être, peut-être libératrice : bond hors du rang des meurtriers. Franz Kafka
Grégoire Ier
Issu du monastère bénédictin de Saint-André, Grégoire fut le premier
moine de l'histoire religieuse à accéder au rang de pape.
Issu du monastère bénédictin de Saint-André, Grégoire fut le premier moine de l'histoire religieuse à accéder au rang de pape. Il écrivit plus tard la vie du saint patron de l'ordre bénédictin, qui demeura durant plusieurs siècles l'unique ordre monacal d'Occident. Grégoire s'en fit le grand défenseur et promoteur, tout en utilisant les moines pour des travaux de missionnaires. La mission la plus importante, organisée en 597, aboutit à la conversion des îles anglo-saxonnes par l'émissaire pontif...
Marquis de Sade
Né dans une grande famille de la noblesse parisienne, le marquis de Sade
abandonna la carrière militaire en 1763, année où il épousa la fille d'un
bourgeois de haut rang.
Né dans une grande famille de la noblesse parisienne, le marquis de Sade abandonna la carrière militaire en 1763, année où il épousa la fille d'un bourgeois de haut rang. Peu après son mariage, il commença à chercher la compagnie des prostituées, affichant un goût prononcé pour la perversité sexuelle ; un scandale de m œ urs conduira le roi à ordonner sa mise aux arrêts. Relaxé, il n'en reprit pas moins sa vie de débauche et d'orgie, et fut à nouveau arrêté avec son valet Latour en 1768 pour av...
UNE RUPTURE Étrange, mystérieuse consolation donnée par la littérature, dangereuse peut-être, peut-être libé ratrice : bond hors du rang des meurtriers. Franz Kafka
48 / Fonctions de la littérature . 0 quand il assimile la création littéraire à «un bond hors du rang des meurtriers» ? Écartons tout de suite - le reste de l'œuvre nous y autorise - quelques explications simplistes. Il ne s'agit en aucune manière d'une allusion à un quelconque «engagement}> de !'écrivain. L'interprétation consistant à présenter !'écrivain comme le dernier des justes et se distinguant par là de la foule où s'affrontent de...
Jan Van Eyck
Les premiers documents sur la vie de Van Eyck, jugés non apocryphes par
les historiens, mentionnent qu'il avait le rang de " peintre et valet de
chambre " au service de Jean de Bavière, comte de Hollande, poste qu'il
occupa jusqu'à la mort du comte en 1425.
Les premiers documents sur la vie de Van Eyck, jugés non apocryphes par les historiens, mentionnent qu'il avait le rang de “ peintre et valet de chambre ” au service de Jean de Bavière, comte de Hollande, poste qu'il occupa jusqu'à la mort du comte en 1425. Van Eyck entra ensuite au service du duc de Bourgogne Philippe le Bon , grand protecteur des arts et souverain le plus puissant de Flandre. Homme de confiance et confident du duc de Bourgogne, Van Eyck restera à son service jusqu'à sa mort,...
- Dans son dernier roman Août 14, Alexandre Soljenitsyne fait dire à Tolstoï : « Quel plaisir pouvez-vous trouver à disposer les mots en rang comme des soldats pour que les sons soient en écho ? C'est là un jeu d'enfant. Ce n'est pas naturel. Les mots sont faits pour exprimer des idées I... Avez-vous jamais rencontré beaucoup d'idées dans les vers? Lisez vingt poèmes, essayez ensuite de vous souvenir de quoi ils traitent : vous mélangerez tout. C'est comme les anecdotes : on les entend u
- Luciano PavarottiIINTRODUCTIONLuciano PavarottiRenowned Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti was known for his mastery of the highest notes of a tenor's range and for hisjovial personality, which helped him earn a wide popular following.
- Poissons: Chanda ranga.
Wireless Communications.
were large, heavy units. After the invention of the transistor in 1948, radios shrank in size to small handheld radio transceivers. Public two-way radios with severalfrequency options are widely available as well. Usually limited in range to a few miles, these units are great aids for such mobile professionals as construction workers,film crews, event planners, and security personnel. Simpler two-way radios, called walkie-talkies, have been popular children’s toys for years. Most walkie-talkiesb...
Asia - geography.
the Himalayas, the world’s highest mountain system. The Pacific Ocean plate drifted westward, scraping along the Eurasian plate and slipping under its coastal edge. This created the islands of Japan, Taiwan, the Kurils, theRyūky ūs, and the Philippines. Southeast Asia lies at the intersection of the Eurasian, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean plates. Over time the contact between these platescreated the mountain ranges of mainland Southeast Asia. The continued slow movement of the plates causes fr...
Asia - history.
the Himalayas, the world’s highest mountain system. The Pacific Ocean plate drifted westward, scraping along the Eurasian plate and slipping under its coastal edge. This created the islands of Japan, Taiwan, the Kurils, theRyūky ūs, and the Philippines. Southeast Asia lies at the intersection of the Eurasian, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean plates. Over time the contact between these platescreated the mountain ranges of mainland Southeast Asia. The continued slow movement of the plates causes fr...
California - geography.
The Basin and Range province is an arid area of mountain ranges, basins, and deserts. In California it is represented primarily by parts of the Great Basin and SonoranDesert sections. Within the Great Basin lies Death Valley, whose lowest elevation, 86 m (282 ft) below sea level, is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. TheSonoran Desert section is characterized by numerous flat plains separated by low but rugged ranges. It includes the extensive Mojave, or Mohave, Desert. Also in thisprov...
California - USA History.
The Basin and Range province is an arid area of mountain ranges, basins, and deserts. In California it is represented primarily by parts of the Great Basin and SonoranDesert sections. Within the Great Basin lies Death Valley, whose lowest elevation, 86 m (282 ft) below sea level, is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. TheSonoran Desert section is characterized by numerous flat plains separated by low but rugged ranges. It includes the extensive Mojave, or Mohave, Desert. Also in thisprov...
Oregon - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes The Columbia River forms most of the Oregon-Washington boundary, and with its tributaries this great river drains a large portion of Oregon. From the point where theColumbia first touches the state, at Wallula Gap, the river runs in a shallow gorge, deepening as it approaches the Cascades. This part of the river once had manyrapids and falls, but is now navigable by large vessels because of dams and locks that have been built along much of its length. An important tributary o...
Oregon - USA History.
B Rivers and Lakes The Columbia River forms most of the Oregon-Washington boundary, and with its tributaries this great river drains a large portion of Oregon. From the point where theColumbia first touches the state, at Wallula Gap, the river runs in a shallow gorge, deepening as it approaches the Cascades. This part of the river once had manyrapids and falls, but is now navigable by large vessels because of dams and locks that have been built along much of its length. An important tributary o...
Asia - Geography.
Borneo, the world’s third largest island after Greenland and New Guinea. To the southeast is the Timor Sea separating the Asian island of Timor from the Australiancontinent. The Indian subcontinent is flanked by the Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west. The island of Sri Lanka and the much smaller Maldives andNicobar Islands trail away to the south. The Arabian Sea’s Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea form an arc along the western rim of Asia...
Asia - History.
Borneo, the world’s third largest island after Greenland and New Guinea. To the southeast is the Timor Sea separating the Asian island of Timor from the Australiancontinent. The Indian subcontinent is flanked by the Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west. The island of Sri Lanka and the much smaller Maldives andNicobar Islands trail away to the south. The Arabian Sea’s Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea form an arc along the western rim of Asia...
Koala - biology.
V REPRODUCTION Female koalas become sexually mature around 18 to 24 months of age. They can produce one offspring a year until they reach about 13 years of age. Males begin toproduce sperm around age 2 and, in the absence of older, stronger males, they may breed at that young age. More often, however, a male must grow big enough tocompete with other males for females, and mating generally begins for males at about 4 years of age. The breeding season for koalas is from October to May, during the...
New Mexico - geography.
New Mexico’s major river is the Río Grande, originating in southern Colorado, and flowing southward for 760 km (470 mi) through the state. Between the San LuisValley and Española Valley the river flows in a deep canyon known as the Río Grande Gorge; then, below White Rock Canyon, it flows through several valleys containingagricultural land. Most of the water of the Río Grande is used to irrigate these valleys. The Río Grande’s waterflow in New Mexico is extremely low. One of the major tributarie...
New Mexico - USA History.
New Mexico’s major river is the Río Grande, originating in southern Colorado, and flowing southward for 760 km (470 mi) through the state. Between the San LuisValley and Española Valley the river flows in a deep canyon known as the Río Grande Gorge; then, below White Rock Canyon, it flows through several valleys containingagricultural land. Most of the water of the Río Grande is used to irrigate these valleys. The Río Grande’s waterflow in New Mexico is extremely low. One of the major tributarie...
Alaska - geography.
depression surrounded by highlands and have the coldest winter and hottest summer temperatures in Alaska. Once the Kuskokwim River passes through theKuskokwim Mountains, it forms the southern edge of a vast lake-studded alluvial plain bounded on the north by the Yukon River. This water-logged lowland is a majorsummer nesting area for birds. Fairbanks is the major city in this region, while Fort Yukon is the major community in the Yukon Flats and Bethel the largest settlementon the Lower Kuskokwi...
Alaska - USA History.
depression surrounded by highlands and have the coldest winter and hottest summer temperatures in Alaska. Once the Kuskokwim River passes through theKuskokwim Mountains, it forms the southern edge of a vast lake-studded alluvial plain bounded on the north by the Yukon River. This water-logged lowland is a majorsummer nesting area for birds. Fairbanks is the major city in this region, while Fort Yukon is the major community in the Yukon Flats and Bethel the largest settlementon the Lower Kuskokwi...
Hawaii (state) - geography.
limestone along the coast. The volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands are all so-called shield volcanoes, or lava domes. Unlike the volcanoes of Alaska and South America, those of Hawaii were notcreated by very explosive eruptions. Formed mostly by lava flows, they are great rounded mountain masses, rather than steep-sided cones. Mauna Kea, dormant forcenturies, is the highest mountain in the state. It rises to 4,205 m (13,796 ft) above sea level, and its summit is dotted with cinder cones formed by...
Hawaii (state) - USA History.
limestone along the coast. The volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands are all so-called shield volcanoes, or lava domes. Unlike the volcanoes of Alaska and South America, those of Hawaii were notcreated by very explosive eruptions. Formed mostly by lava flows, they are great rounded mountain masses, rather than steep-sided cones. Mauna Kea, dormant forcenturies, is the highest mountain in the state. It rises to 4,205 m (13,796 ft) above sea level, and its summit is dotted with cinder cones formed by...
Washington (state) - geography.
The crest of the Cascade Range divides Washington into two distinct climatic regions. The area west of the Cascades, which is exposed throughout the year to rain-bearing winds from the Pacific Ocean, has a temperate marine type of climate that is characterized by mild wet winters and cool summers. The Cascades prevent themoist air blowing in from the Pacific from reaching eastern Washington. The Rocky Mountains on the eastern border also represent a climatic barrier. As a result, thesevere winte...
Washington (state) - USA History.
The crest of the Cascade Range divides Washington into two distinct climatic regions. The area west of the Cascades, which is exposed throughout the year to rain-bearing winds from the Pacific Ocean, has a temperate marine type of climate that is characterized by mild wet winters and cool summers. The Cascades prevent themoist air blowing in from the Pacific from reaching eastern Washington. The Rocky Mountains on the eastern border also represent a climatic barrier. As a result, thesevere winte...
Arizona - geography.
of the Mogollon Rim, the Little Colorado draws very little water from a relatively large watershed, usually containing a mere trickle of water in its riverbed. The ColoradoRiver’s principal tributary is the Gila River, which flows all the way across the southern part of the state from New Mexico to the California border. From the mountainsand plateaus of central Arizona, the Gila River receives the Salt, Agua Fria, and Hassayampa rivers. The Salt River is itself fed by the Verde River. The Gila...
Arizona - USA History.
of the Mogollon Rim, the Little Colorado draws very little water from a relatively large watershed, usually containing a mere trickle of water in its riverbed. The ColoradoRiver’s principal tributary is the Gila River, which flows all the way across the southern part of the state from New Mexico to the California border. From the mountainsand plateaus of central Arizona, the Gila River receives the Salt, Agua Fria, and Hassayampa rivers. The Salt River is itself fed by the Verde River. The Gila...
Utah - geography.
Temperatures decrease from the south to the north in the state. In the mountains the average temperature drops about 0.5°C (about 1°F) for every about 300 m(about 1,000 ft) rise in elevation. Average July temperatures range from less than 16°C (60°F) in the mountains to more than 27°C (80°F) in a few locations insouthern Utah. At Salt Lake City average July temperatures range from a low of 18°C (64°F) to a high of 33°C (92°F). There is a great variation between daytime andnighttime temperatures,...