195 résultats pour "locative"
Asia - History.
Borneo, the world’s third largest island after Greenland and New Guinea. To the southeast is the Timor Sea separating the Asian island of Timor from the Australiancontinent. The Indian subcontinent is flanked by the Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west. The island of Sri Lanka and the much smaller Maldives andNicobar Islands trail away to the south. The Arabian Sea’s Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea form an arc along the western rim of Asia...
Article 17 de la loi du 6 juillet 1989, alinéa e: commentaire
dant les travaux, une ou deux pieces du logement n'ont pu etre occupees. Le locataire dolt mandater un huissier afin de faire dres- ser un proces-verbal de la situation. Si les travaux rendent le logement inhabitable, le locataire peut demander la resiliation du bail. Incidences sur le loyer : Les travaux pour- ront dans certains cas en- trainer une hausse de loyer. Mais celle-ci ne pourra in- tervenir qu'au renouvelle- ment du bail. Encore le pro- prietaire devra-t-il prouver que le loyeractuel...
Location : quand le propriétaire décide de faire des travaux ...
dant les travaux, une ou deux pièces du logement n'ont pu être occupées . Le locataire doit mandater un huissier afin de faire dres ser un procès-verbal de la situation . Si les travaux rendent le logement inhabitable, le locataire peut demander la résiliation du bail. • Incidences sur le loyer : Les travaux pour ront dans certains cas en traîner une hausse de loy er. Mais celle-ci ne pourra in-tervenir qu'au renouvelle...
Confidentialité et location de coffre-fort
entrées à votre coffre sont répertoriées sur la carte d' accès, les vôtres aussi bien que celles des membres de votre fa mille habilités . On estime que la banque ne manque pas à son obli gation de secret si, par exemple, l'époux de la locataire produit une procuration parfaitement imitée qui n'est pas de nature à éveiller sa mé fiance. • La sécurité du contenu : Le banquier est tenu d'assurer une sé curité maximum...
St. Louis (city) - geography.
St. Louis (city) or Saint Louis,
Between 1940 and 1990 the black population in metropolitan St. Louis nearly tripled. Blacks are most heavily concentrated in three areas in the St. Louis metropolitanregion: East Saint Louis, the North Side close to downtown, and an east-west belt extending from the waterfront to beyond Forest Park. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, areas to the north and south of the central business district were settled by immigrant working families from Germany, Ireland,and many Eastern European countrie...
Nova Scotia - Geography.
summer. Nova Scotia receives an average of more than 1,140 mm (45 in) of rain annually, with the Atlantic shore receiving 1,400 mm (55 in) or more. Most of the provincereceives about 1,900 mm (about 70 in) of snow, and considerable winter precipitation comes in the form of rain or ice storms. The average temperature in January, thecoldest month, is generally about -4°C (about 25°F) near the coast and somewhat colder toward the interior. The average temperature in July, the hottest month, isabout...
Nova Scotia - Canadian History.
summer. Nova Scotia receives an average of more than 1,140 mm (45 in) of rain annually, with the Atlantic shore receiving 1,400 mm (55 in) or more. Most of the provincereceives about 1,900 mm (about 70 in) of snow, and considerable winter precipitation comes in the form of rain or ice storms. The average temperature in January, thecoldest month, is generally about -4°C (about 25°F) near the coast and somewhat colder toward the interior. The average temperature in July, the hottest month, isabout...
London (England) - geography.
In the northern part of the West End is Bloomsbury, the city’s traditional intellectual center, with its concentration of bookshops and homes of writers and academics. Inthe early 20th century a number of famous writers, critics, and artists who lived here became known as the Bloomsbury Group. Here, too, is the British Museum, one ofLondon’s chief tourist attractions. Nearby is the giant complex of the University of London, whose various colleges and departments have taken over much ofBloomsbury...
The Art of Theater
BBC Worldwide Americas, Inc.
Theater at EpidaurusAncient Greek dramas were performed in open-air theaters like this one in Epidaurus, Greece, which was designed byPolyclitus the Younger in 350 bc. A festival of ancient Greek drama is still held in the summer in this 14,000-seat theater.Roger Wood/Corbis Fundamental to the theater experience is the act of seeing and being seen; in fact, the word theater comes from the Greek word theatron , meaning 'seeing place.' Throughout the history of world cultures, actors have used...
Ancient Egypt.
around 4500 BC. The style and decoration of the pottery found at these sites differ from those of pottery found in Upper Egypt. The northern type eventually fell out of use. Other differences between the peoples in Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt include the nature of their architecture and the arrangements for burial of the dead, thelatter perhaps signifying differing religious beliefs. B Unification and Early Dynastic Period By 3500 BC, the settlement of Hierakonpolis, located on the west bank...
Ancient Egypt - USA History.
around 4500 BC. The style and decoration of the pottery found at these sites differ from those of pottery found in Upper Egypt. The northern type eventually fell out of use. Other differences between the peoples in Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt include the nature of their architecture and the arrangements for burial of the dead, thelatter perhaps signifying differing religious beliefs. B Unification and Early Dynastic Period By 3500 BC, the settlement of Hierakonpolis, located on the west bank...
Brazil - country.
occasional droughts. Brazil contains a wealth of mineral and plant resources that have not yet been fully explored. It possesses some of the world’s largest deposits of iron ore and containsrich deposits of many other minerals, including gold and copper. Brazil’s fossil fuel resources are modest, but this limitation is offset by the considerable hydroelectricpotential of the nation’s many rivers. Although Brazil is an important producer of tropical crops, areas of highly fertile land are limited...
Article 1389 du Code général des impôts : commentaire
trois conditions devant etre remplies simulta- nement. La vacance ou l'inexploitation doit : - avoir dure 3 mois au moins. Cette periode ne peut faire ('objet d'aucune interruption ; - affecter soit tout l'im- meuble, soit sapartie louable ou exploitable ; - etre independante de la volonte du proprietaire. La jurisprudence est stride et restrictive pour recon- naitre cette condition. Exemples: la vacance de la maison d'habitation d'un contribuable n'a pas ete admire au benefice du de- grevement...
Comment sont régis les contrats de location à durée réduite ?
vile constituée exclusive ment entre parents et al liés, jusqu'au 4• degré in clus ou en cas d'indivision . • La situation des par ties :Tout au long du bail, c'est le régime normal des contrats de location qui s'applique. Bailleurs et lo cataires sont tenus de res pecter leurs droits et obli gations. Le locataire doit payer le loyer selon les conditions fixées dans le bail. La reprise du loge ment en vue de laquelle...
Vente et location : les honoraires de l'agent immobilier
tant que l'option n'est pas levée ou que la condition ne s'est pas réalisée; - l'agent immobilier ne peut percevoir aucune rémunération à quelque titre que ce soit avant la conclusion définitive de l'affaire. Les fonds qui lui sont versés avant la réali sation de l'affaire sont conservés en dépôt. • La validité du man dat : Le mandat, pour être valable, doit être limité dans le temps. De plus, il faut que l'inter venti...
Loi du 6 juillet 1989, article 17 c: commentaire
puisqu'il ne prend en consideration ni le prix des terrains ni celui de ('habitat recent et ancien. Renouvellement du bail : A la fin du bail, au moment de sa reconduc- tion, le loyer est, en regle generale, seulement revise en fonction de l'indice du coat de la construction, comme chaque armee. Dans le cas oti le pro- prietaire souhaite une re- evaluation plus importante, it doff respecter toute une procedure. Si le locataire accepte, eventuellement apres arbitrage d' une com- mission de concil...
Les obligations du BAILLEUR
subi des troubles de jouissance durant plusieurs années. On ne saurait donc conseiller au locataire de cesser depayer son loyer dès la première demande adressée au bailleur d'effectuer les travaux indispensables. Cela est d'autant plus vrai que le tribunal peut non seulement suspendre l'obligation de payer le loyer, mais aussiordonner la restitution des loyers déjà payés, comme l'illustre un arrêt de la Cour d'Appel de Paris en date du 16 avril1984. Le législateur a confirmé cette jurisprudenc...
Histoire du droit en Orient dans l’Antiquité
composées dans un mode qui facilite la mémorisation. Ce codex concerne divers domaines, il comprend des lois sur : La négociation collective ; Le droit du bail, les litiges pouvant survenir suite à la location d'un bateau ou de chariots tirés par un boeuf ; Le droit pénal ; Le droit commercial avec des correspondances de prix entre différents moyens de paiement et les produits courants comme le grain d'orge, l'argent, la laine etc. ; Le droit de la famille, les litiges sur les propriétés, les af...
amenagement local
population. C'est donc dans une situation de modernisation que la commune va entreprendre de bâtir, un espace socioculturel Philippe Noiret (fini fin 2009), la reconstruction de la place de l'hôtel de ville rebaptisée "Place Charles de Gaulle", le gymnase T. Gilardi sur l'ancienne MJC en remplacement du gymnase Delaune (fini en 2011), l'agrandissement de l'espace pour les jeunes et des logements dont environ 250 en accession à la propriété avec 33 à prix modéré (espace des seniors), environ 44...
Arctic - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes Low precipitation is characteristic of the Arctic, so large and elaborate river and lake systems are rare. In many places, however, permafrost (permanently frozen subsoil)restricts the downward drainage of meltwater from snow, and the water accumulates on the surface as shallow lakes, ponds, and marshes. In addition, rivers from morehumid regions flow seaward across the dry Arctic terrain. Several large rivers are in the Russian Arctic, and the Mackenzie and Yukon rivers are...
maritime, transport - transports.
Arabo-Persique, l’Europe et l’Amérique. De nombreux itinéraires plus courts, y compris les routes côtières, connaissent également un trafic intense. 3. 2 Aspects juridiques De nombreux traités et conventions ont été ratifiés au fil des ans pour accroître la sécurité de la vie en mer, et préciser les droits et les obligations des États. L’un des accords les plus importants a donné lieu à la création de l’ International Iceberg Patrol, en 1913, à la suite du naufrage du Titanic . L’ Internatio...
Columbus (Ohio) - geography.
A balance among manufacturing, technology, research, and financial activities has helped Columbus’s economy to continue to boom. Much of the city’s expansion resultsfrom its function as a sophisticated service center. By 1990 manufacturing occupied only 12 percent of the area’s labor force. That contrasted with services, includinggovernment, finance, and transportation and utilities, which accounted for almost 60 percent of all employment. The two largest employers in Columbus are state governme...
Indianapolis - geography.
Amateur athletic competitions are frequent in Indianapolis. Each summer it is the site for the finals of the Hoosier State Games, with athletes of all ages and skill levelscompeting in 21 sports. In 1987 Indianapolis hosted the Tenth Pan American Games, and is often the site for numerous Olympic trials and collegiate sportschampionships. Among the many sports facilities are those for tennis, bicycle racing, skating, and track and field. The city’s professional football team, the Indianapolis Col...
D-Day Invasion.
The Allied planners focused on the beaches around Caen and the Cotentin Peninsula in northern France rather than those of Calais, even though it meant the forcewould be crossing at a wider part of the English Channel. That disadvantage was far outweighed by what the site offered: comparatively scanty defensive fortificationsand beachhead ideally suited for successful exits. The clincher was an isolated battlefield that the Germans would have difficulty reinforcing. The date was set for May 1, 19...
Electronic Games.
arcade game of all time. With Pizza Time Theaters legitimizing the idea of arcades and hits such as Ms. Pac-Man , Asteroids , Donkey Kong , Tempest , Frogger , and Defender bringing new excitement to gaming, the coin-operated video game business boomed. In 1981 Americans spent 75,000 person-years and $5 billion playing video games at anestimated 4,300 arcades in the United States. Many popular arcade games also were translated for use on the Atari 2600 and its chief rivals in the homemarket—M...
Telescope - astronomy.
Observatory). In some telescopes designed in the 1990s, the mirror’s weight has been dramatically reduced by sandwiching a honeycomb pattern of glass ribs between a thin, butrigid, concave mirror and a flat back plate. Engineers have even developed meniscus mirrors—mirrors that are too thin to support their own weight. An adjustableframework supports the meniscus mirror, and servomechanical actuators, controlled by computer, continually adjust the shape of the mirror as it tracks celestial tar...
Primate - biology.
The primate order includes a handful of species that live entirely on meat (carnivores) and also a few that are strict vegetarians (herbivores), but it is composed chieflyof animals that have varied diets (omnivores). The carnivorous primates are the four species of tarsiers, which live in Southeast Asia. Using their long back legs, thesepocket-sized nocturnal hunters leap on their prey, pinning it down with their hands and then killing it with their needle-sharp teeth. Tarsiers primarily eat in...
Pittsburgh - geography.
College of Allegheny County (1966), with branches in the city and suburbs. Pittsburgh has many outstanding cultural institutions. The Oakland district is where Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh are located. The CarnegieMuseums of Pittsburgh include The Carnegie Museum of Art (including the Scaife Galleries), which holds a distinguished motion-picture and video collection and a uniquestudy of architecture; the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, which displays an extensi...
Honolulu - geography.
of Brigham Young University. The state’s largest museum, the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, is located in Honolulu. It contains a large collection of Polynesian archaeological artifacts, as well asmany exhibits on Hawaiian history and culture. The museum also has an extensive entomological collection with more than 13 million specimens. Other importantmuseums include the Honolulu Academy of Arts, known for its extensive collection of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean art; the Contemporary Museum, wit...
Although a consensus is growing among health professionals that alcohol dependence is a disease, society’s attitudes toward individuals with drinking problems remainambivalent and confused. Until the mid-20th century, the typical picture of the alcoholic was of someone without steady employment, unable to sustain familyrelationships and most likely in desperate financial straits. But this stereotype was largely dispelled when highly respected people publicly admitted their alcoholdependence and...
Colour and qualia
Faced with the dilemmas posed by subjective colour for physicalist doctrine, some philosophers opt for eliminativism, the doctrine that subjective colour is not a genuine, or real, phenomenon after all. On this view the source of the puzzle is a conceptual confusion; a tendency to extend our judgments concerning objective colour, what appear to be intrinsic properties of the surfaces of physical objects, onto the properties of our mental states. Once we see that all that is happening ‘inside'...
Ant - biology.
The workers of many ant species carry a stinger within the hind end of the gaster. These ants use the stinger to defend against their enemies. In some species, workerants lack a stinger but use the tip of their gaster to squirt or dab poison at other small animals and when fighting battles with other ants, fending off predators, or killinginsects or other animals that they use as food. III PHYSIOLOGY Ants have a rigid, external skeleton called an exoskeleton that gives the soft, inner body its...
Ear, organ of hearing and balance. Only vertebrates, or animals
line or rotates in any direction. Each canal also contains sensory areas with sensory hair cells that project into a cone-shaped cap of gelatin. Two of the semicircularcanals are in a vertical position and are used to detect vertical movement, such as jumping or falling. The third canal is horizontal and detects horizontal movement,such as turning or spinning. The action of the canals depends on the inertia of the fluid inside. When the motion of the body changes, the fluid lags behind, causing...
Mammal - biology.
On land, mammals live in many different habitats, and at a wide range of altitudes. Many mammals dig burrows as refuges or as places to raise their young, but somehave developed a largely subterranean lifestyle, feeding on small animals or plant roots beneath the soil's surface. These animals, including moles and mole-rats, digthrough the ground either with spadelike front paws or with their teeth, and they detect danger by being highly sensitive to vibrations transmitted through the soil.Most m...
Renaissance, series of literary and cultural movements in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.
the great writings of ancient Greece and Rome. Intellectuals continued to build on the ideas of the Renaissance during the 18th century Age of Enlightenment, a time when scientific advancements led to a newemphasis on the power of human reason. One of the early Enlightenment thinkers was French philosopher and writer Voltaire. He claimed that the Renaissance was acrucial stage in liberating the mind from the superstition and error that he believed characterized Christian society during the Middl...
Renaissance .
the great writings of ancient Greece and Rome. Intellectuals continued to build on the ideas of the Renaissance during the 18th century Age of Enlightenment, a time when scientific advancements led to a newemphasis on the power of human reason. One of the early Enlightenment thinkers was French philosopher and writer Voltaire. He claimed that the Renaissance was acrucial stage in liberating the mind from the superstition and error that he believed characterized Christian society during the Middl...
Stock Exchange.
A Example of a Trade In an example of a trade, an investor wanting to buy 200 shares—also known as two round lots, of 100 shares each—of IBM stock will telephone or e-mail the order to abrokerage firm. This communication is normally made to an individual called a stockbroker. The investor might desire to buy the shares at the market, or current, price.On the other hand, the investor may choose to pay no more than a set amount per share. The brokerage firm then contacts one of its floor brokers...
Arizona - geography.
of the Mogollon Rim, the Little Colorado draws very little water from a relatively large watershed, usually containing a mere trickle of water in its riverbed. The ColoradoRiver’s principal tributary is the Gila River, which flows all the way across the southern part of the state from New Mexico to the California border. From the mountainsand plateaus of central Arizona, the Gila River receives the Salt, Agua Fria, and Hassayampa rivers. The Salt River is itself fed by the Verde River. The Gila...
Arizona - USA History.
of the Mogollon Rim, the Little Colorado draws very little water from a relatively large watershed, usually containing a mere trickle of water in its riverbed. The ColoradoRiver’s principal tributary is the Gila River, which flows all the way across the southern part of the state from New Mexico to the California border. From the mountainsand plateaus of central Arizona, the Gila River receives the Salt, Agua Fria, and Hassayampa rivers. The Salt River is itself fed by the Verde River. The Gila...
escape into space of the infrared energy radiated back out by Earth. This process is referred to as the greenhouse effect. These gases, primarily carbon dioxide,methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor, insulate Earth’s surface, helping to maintain warm temperatures. Without these gases, Earth would be a frozen planet with anaverage temperature of about -18°C (about 0°F) instead of a comfortable 15°C (59°F). If the concentration of these gases rises, they trap more heat within theatmosphere, caus...
Ancient Greece.
The first culture of Aegean civilization on the Greek mainland is named Mycenaean for the palace at Mycenae on the Pelopónnisos. Scholars call the Mycenaeans the“earliest Greeks” because they are the first people known to have spoken Greek. Mycenaean culture developed later than Minoan. The ancestors of the Mycenaean people wandered onto the mainland from the north and the east from about 4000 to2000 BC, mixing with the people already there, and by about 1400 BC the Mycenaeans had become very...
Ancient Greece .
The first culture of Aegean civilization on the Greek mainland is named Mycenaean for the palace at Mycenae on the Pelopónnisos. Scholars call the Mycenaeans the“earliest Greeks” because they are the first people known to have spoken Greek. Mycenaean culture developed later than Minoan. The ancestors of the Mycenaean people wandered onto the mainland from the north and the east from about 4000 to2000 BC, mixing with the people already there, and by about 1400 BC the Mycenaeans had become very...
Ancient Greece - USA History.
The first culture of Aegean civilization on the Greek mainland is named Mycenaean for the palace at Mycenae on the Pelopónnisos. Scholars call the Mycenaeans the“earliest Greeks” because they are the first people known to have spoken Greek. Mycenaean culture developed later than Minoan. The ancestors of the Mycenaean people wandered onto the mainland from the north and the east from about 4000 to2000 BC, mixing with the people already there, and by about 1400 BC the Mycenaeans had become very...
New Mexico - geography.
New Mexico’s major river is the Río Grande, originating in southern Colorado, and flowing southward for 760 km (470 mi) through the state. Between the San LuisValley and Española Valley the river flows in a deep canyon known as the Río Grande Gorge; then, below White Rock Canyon, it flows through several valleys containingagricultural land. Most of the water of the Río Grande is used to irrigate these valleys. The Río Grande’s waterflow in New Mexico is extremely low. One of the major tributarie...
New Mexico - USA History.
New Mexico’s major river is the Río Grande, originating in southern Colorado, and flowing southward for 760 km (470 mi) through the state. Between the San LuisValley and Española Valley the river flows in a deep canyon known as the Río Grande Gorge; then, below White Rock Canyon, it flows through several valleys containingagricultural land. Most of the water of the Río Grande is used to irrigate these valleys. The Río Grande’s waterflow in New Mexico is extremely low. One of the major tributarie...
Egypt - country.
Egypt has a wide variety of mineral deposits, some of which, such as gold and red granite, have been exploited since ancient times. The chief mineral resource ofcontemporary value is petroleum, found mainly in the Red Sea coastal region, at Al ‘Alamayn (El ‘Alamein) on the Mediterranean, and on the Sinai Peninsula. Otherminerals include phosphates, manganese, iron ore, and uranium. Natural gas is also extracted. D Plants and Animals The vegetation of Egypt is confined largely to the Nile Delta,...
Article 14 de la loi du 6 juillet 1989: commentaire
En cas de non-paiement du loyer par quelque moyen que ce soft, le pro- prietaire est en droit de poursuivre judiciairement celui qui est parti. L'achat du loge- ment : II existe plusieurs precautions a prendre avant l'achat, qui permettent de preserver les interets des concubins en cas de se- paration ou de deces. Une forrnule adapt& est l'indivision. Les concubins signent a deux un acte d'achat Ils deviennent cha- cun indivisaires, soit a ega- Ike (50/50), soft dans des proportions differentes....
Les loueurs en meublé et la taxe professionnelle
pages. Illustrations de Gus. Prix : 44 F ; Franco 48F. Le vocabulaire d'un grand nombre de profes sions revêt un aspect technique qui, bien souvent, le rend hermétique aux profanes. Ainsi en est-il des termes médicaux, par exemple. Heureusement un dictionnaire médical permet de vaincre, aux risques et périls du patient, l'obscurité apparente du dia gnostic du praticien. Il en va de même ~ur le vocabulaire juridique. Le petit dictionnaire Juridiqu...
Que sont les impôts locaux ?
constructions nouvelles, doit déclarer ces modifica tions afin qu'une nouvelle valeur locative cadastrale soit déterminée . En re vanche, en matière de taxe d'habitation , il n'y a aucune déclaration à souscrire. • Taux d'imposition et paiement: Ils varient selon les communes, dé partements et régions pour un immeuble qui pourrait revêtir la même consistance . Il appartient à l'État (aux centres des im pôts) de recenser les in f...
Location contre une redevance 3) Le critère déterminant c’est le lien de subordination, pour le principe de réalité dans le contrat de travail, la qualification d’une relation au travail ne dépend ni de la volonté exprimée dans le contrat ni de la dénomination de ce contrat mais des conditions de fait dans lequel est exercé l’activité du travailleur. 2) Les règles encadrant le recrutement - apprécier sa cap...