3424 résultats pour "sentaient"
John Tyler
A “His Accidency” Tyler was summoned to Washington, D.C., as acting president. The Constitution seemed unclear as to whether Tyler should now merely assume the duties of thepresident until new elections were held, or whether he should in fact assume the office of president. Tyler chose the latter view and on April 6 had himself sworn in aspresident. This procedure, later taken for granted, exposed Tyler to much censure and abuse. Throughout his term, Whigs and Democrats alike denounced his acti...
Battle of Waterloo.
In the meantime, Grouchy had failed to overtake Blücher's army. At about 10 PM on June 17, Grouchy's scouts informed him that the Prussians, instead of retreating east to Namur, had turned northwest, seeking apparently a juncture with Wellington. Grouchy's message of warning to Napoleon brought the reply, sent at 10 AM on June 18, that Grouchy should keep trying to make contact with the Prussians. Grouchy's pursuit was slovenly and unhurried, and he failed to locate the enemy. On the morning o...
Introduction à la philosophie
dialogue en confrontant les différents points de vue. La philosophie est en fait non seulement le fait de posséder un savoir, une connaissance, mais aussi une manière de vivre. Ainsi, Socrate est-il un homme vertueux et applique ses théories. « Ce dont il faut faire le plus de cas, ce n'est pas de vivre, mais de vivre bien ». Socrate. Parce qu'il gênait les sophistes, il a été condamné à mort. Plus tard, un de ses élèves a voulu laisser une trace de lui et de sa morale : il s'agit de Platon. Alo...
- Notre-dame de paris
MALRAUX André : sa vie et son oeuvre
dans le logement surplombant l'épicerie familiale de Bondy. Il fréq uente le collège, puis, à dix-sept ans, décide de prendre en main sa propre éducation. Pas sionné d'art, élève au musée Guimet et à l'école du Louvre, ce lecteur insatiable apprend le sanskrit. Il gagne sa vie dans le commerce des livres d'occasion, et cette activité l'introduit auprès d'intellectuels chevronnés (Gide, Max Jacob, Reverdy) qui l'encouragent à écrire : la revue...
- analyse la chaumière indienne
- AIMANT1, -ANTE, participe présent et adjectif.
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Perseus and Medusa - anthology.
The Sea-monster Perseus, continuing his flight, arrived at the country of the Æthiopians, of which Cepheus was king. Cassiopeia his queen, proud of her beauty, had dared to compareherself to the Sea-Nymphs, which roused their indignation to such a degree that they sent a prodigious sea-monster to ravage the coast. To appease the deities,Cepheus was directed by the oracle to expose his daughter Andromeda to be devoured by the monster. As Perseus looked down from his aerial height he beheld thev...
- Emile Zola Thérèse Raquin
polonaise, littérature.
poèmes lyriques en latin qui lui valent le surnom d'« Horace chrétien ». La poésie lyrique est d'ailleurs en plein essor, unissant le maniérisme de l'Astrée aux saillies d'une franche sensualité, notamment chez Szymon Zimorowic, auteur d'idylles érotiques, et Jan Andrzej Morsztyn, génie de la forme poétique, qui compose deux recueils de vers, Canicule (Kanikuła albo psia gwiazda, 1647) et le Luth (Lutnia, 1661). Le XVII e et la première moitié du XVIII e siècle sont aussi marqués par...
- LE mythe de la caverne
- Texte Au bonheur des Dames Chapitre 14
- AIMÉ, -ÉE, participe passé et adjectif verbal.
l'Académie San-Fernando (succès en 1766). Traditionnel voyage en Italie ensuite et participation en 1771 auconcours organisé par l'Académie de Parme avec Annibal passant les Alpes. Lichtenberg fait ses études à Göttingen,et se lie d'amitié avec ses maîtres Meister et Kästner. Mort de Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux le 12 février,à Paris. Voltaire publie son Traité sur la tolérance.1764Ann Radcliffe naît le 9 juillet, à Londres. Départ pour Londres de Johann Heinrich Füssli et début...
- À, AU, AUX, préposition.
Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901).
homesteaders against pressure from the powerful railroads. He fought vigorously for Civil War veterans, supported high taxes on imports (called tariffs), payments todisabled and opposed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which stopped Chinese immigration to the U.S. for 10 years ( see Immigration: From 1840 to 1900 ). He also introduced 101 special pension and relief bills in six years. Harrison's name was well known by the Republican National Convention in 1884. In spite of this, Congressman and forme...
Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901) - Histoire
homesteaders against pressure from the powerful railroads. He fought vigorously for Civil War veterans, supported high taxes on imports (called tariffs), payments todisabled and opposed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which stopped Chinese immigration to the U.S. for 10 years ( see Immigration: From 1840 to 1900 ). He also introduced 101 special pension and relief bills in six years. Harrison's name was well known by the Republican National Convention in 1884. In spite of this, Congressman and forme...
- ACCABLÉ, -ÉE, participe passé, adjectif et substantif.
Comte, Isidore-Auguste-Marie-François-Xavier
1 Life Auguste Comte was born in Montpellier, France. He attended the École Polytechnique, from which he was expelled in 1816, for political reasons. Comte's main concern throughout his life was resolving the political, social and moral problems caused by the French Revolution. To that end, he embarked upon an encyclopedic work, which he first conceived under the inspiration of Henri de Saint-Simon , for whom he worked as secretary from 1817 to 1824. At that time, he proposed several pla...
russe, littérature.
3. 1 Pouchkine et ses contemporains L’expression littéraire russe entra dans sa phase la plus riche — son âge d’or — avec les œuvres du poète, dramaturge et romancier Alexandre Sergueïevitch Pouchkine. Celui-ci s’inspira des formes anciennes du langage littéraire, qu’il synthétisa pour créer une langue nouvelle, toujours d’actualité aujourd’hui. Homme extrêmement cultivé, il s’imprégna de l’ordre et de l’harmonie du classicisme français, ce qui ne l’empêcha pas de participer par la suite à cert...
- AIR1, substantif masculin.
L'estime de soi
DÉVELOPPEMENT 1. L'adolescence et l'estime de soi L ‘adolescence et l'estime de soi arrivent conjointement. Les changements occasionnés lors de cette période affectent grandement l'estime de soi de l'adolescent, voilàpourquoi celle-ci se nomme crise. Toute cette nouveauté chez le jeune adulte provoque en lui une grande remise en question. Sa personnalité qui évolue durant cettemutation provoque une période d'isolement qui rend difficile la socialisation. L'importance de garder confiance en soi e...
French and Indian War.
Virginia as well as the French governor-general of Canada had attempted to seize their lands. After receiving large presents of supplies and arms, the Iroquoisgrudgingly renewed their alliances with the British colonies. Delegates then moved on to plan other defensive measures. An important topic was a plan of union developed by Benjamin Franklin. The Albany Plan, as it became known, proposed a single institution to govern all of the Britishcolonies in America. Under the plan, each colony would...
French and Indian War - Canadian History.
Virginia as well as the French governor-general of Canada had attempted to seize their lands. After receiving large presents of supplies and arms, the Iroquoisgrudgingly renewed their alliances with the British colonies. Delegates then moved on to plan other defensive measures. An important topic was a plan of union developed by Benjamin Franklin. The Albany Plan, as it became known, proposed a single institution to govern all of the Britishcolonies in America. Under the plan, each colony would...
(in New York City). These congresses were attended by increasing numbers of representatives from the United States, Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean. Severalimportant factors affected the growing popularity of the congresses. First, many delegates were sponsored by international labor movements, which were growing insize and power in the 1920s. A second factor was the growth of the black nationalist movement of Marcus Garvey. The Garvey movement was important in the UnitedStates as a popular ex...
Declaration of Independence.
communication networks to publicize British actions and encourage demonstrations of defiance. Soon these committees and some colonial legislatures issued a call for anall-colony congress to discuss other appropriate responses to Britain’s actions. The Continental Congress first met in Philadelphia from September to the end of October1774. This body did not plan for war; instead, it debated the extent to which the colonies should carry their resistance to Great Britain. The First Continental Cong...
Declaration of Independence - U.
communication networks to publicize British actions and encourage demonstrations of defiance. Soon these committees and some colonial legislatures issued a call for anall-colony congress to discuss other appropriate responses to Britain’s actions. The Continental Congress first met in Philadelphia from September to the end of October1774. This body did not plan for war; instead, it debated the extent to which the colonies should carry their resistance to Great Britain. The First Continental Cong...
Lettre à Sophie Volland (25 juillet 1762), Diderot
pantomimes de l'espèce humaine ». C'est un peu le même plaisir qu'éprouve l'un des personnages de ce grandpeintre de la Comédie humaine qu'est Balzac, Gobseck, l'usurier devant qui viennent défiler tous les drames, parceque le pouvoir de l'argent lui permet de se donner ce spectacle. a. Le point de vue de Sirius.A. Dans quelque point de l'espace. Diderot ne s'en tient pas à cette juste analyse du comique selon laquelle il fautêtre spectateur et non acteur. Il imagine qu'il y parviendr...
Herbert Hoover.
E Postwar Work Even after the armistice, the Allies continued their blockade around Germany. Hoover, in Europe again, worked to have it relaxed. He was appointed chairman of theAmerican Relief Administration to assist in the economic restoration of Europe, receiving from the U.S. Congress $100 million to fight famine and plague. In this officialrole, and afterward as a private citizen, Hoover oversaw the distribution of 46 million tons of food to people in 30 countries. He controlled shipping,...
Herbert Hoover
E Postwar Work Even after the armistice, the Allies continued their blockade around Germany. Hoover, in Europe again, worked to have it relaxed. He was appointed chairman of theAmerican Relief Administration to assist in the economic restoration of Europe, receiving from the U.S. Congress $100 million to fight famine and plague. In this officialrole, and afterward as a private citizen, Hoover oversaw the distribution of 46 million tons of food to people in 30 countries. He controlled shipping,...
Descartes, Lettre à Chanut du 6 juin 1647.
132 Les sortilèges des passions Il y a le premier amour, et cette surprise d'un sentiment inconnu, que précédait peut-être une rumeur confuse, ou une image d'abord mal comprise, véhiculées par les mots des conversations ordinaires. Une rencontre trouble lorsqu'elle fait naître un sentiment qui engage la conscience et son juge ment intérieur. L'impression ressentie lors de la présence de l'être aimé est à la fois effet du se...
Horse Racing.
interested parties claim the same horse at the same price, lots are drawn to determine the winning offer. Knowledgeable owners and trainers may use claiming races toobtain, at bargain prices, horses whose former owners underestimated the potential of their animals. Two other types of contests are match races and walkovers. A match race pits only two horses, almost always that season’s most successful racers, in a head-to-headduel. A walkover occurs when only one horse has not been scratched (w...
Commentez cette phrase d'un philosophe (L. Lavelle) : « Le langage est la mémoire de l'humanité. » ?
langage est la mémoire de l'humanité. » Cette affirmation ne peut-elle pas être prise plus à la lettre que nous nel'avons fait jusqu'ici ?Nous avons supposé que le langage n'est que l'instrument par lequel se transmettent les souvenirs qui n'existeraientcomme tels que dans les mémoires individuelles : le langage, oral aussi bien qu'écrit, se réduirait alors à des signesconventionnels permettant reconstituer le passé, mais qui, à strictement parler, n'en contiendrait pas le moindrerésidu. C'est b...
- Textes utiles en classe prépa
Han Dynasty - History.
However, these reforms faced serious opposition. The feudal barons formed an alliance and rebelled against Wang Mang. They were joined by members of the Liufamily, who were descended from Jingdi (Ching-ti), a former Han emperor, and a civil war followed. As the empire fell into disorder, militant secret societies formedarmed bands and attacked villages and towns. Wang Mang had believed that proper institutions would eventually bring peace to China, but in AD 23, an army led by the Liu clan brea...
John Quincy Adams.
man of my whole country.” When President Thomas Jefferson requested Senate approval of his treaty for the purchase of the French colony of Louisiana, Adams was the only New EnglandFederalist to vote in favor of it. He realized that the power and influence of his own New England would be reduced if the vast territory were added to the nation, but hewas convinced that the national interest would best be served by the purchase of Louisiana ( see Louisiana Purchase). Adams again broke with his New...
John Quincy Adams
man of my whole country.” When President Thomas Jefferson requested Senate approval of his treaty for the purchase of the French colony of Louisiana, Adams was the only New EnglandFederalist to vote in favor of it. He realized that the power and influence of his own New England would be reduced if the vast territory were added to the nation, but hewas convinced that the national interest would best be served by the purchase of Louisiana ( see Louisiana Purchase). Adams again broke with his New...
Vice President of the United States.
naval operations. Located in northwest Washington at Massachusetts Avenue and 34th Street, the three-story Queen Anne-style house is within easy driving distance ofCapitol Hill and the White House. The vice president receives an annual salary of $189,300. The vice president has a staff and offices in the Everett M. Dirksen Senate Office Building, near the Capitol, toassist with legislative matters, as well as a personal office near the Senate lobby. The vice president also has staff and offices...
Astrobiology - astronomy.
water to help reactions along. American chemists Stanley Miller and Harold Urey tested part of Oparin and Haldane’s hypothesis in the early 1950s by simulating conditions of the early Earth. In whathas become known as the Miller-Urey experiment, the two scientists connected two flasks with a loop of glass tubing that allowed the gases to pass between the flasks.They filled the upper flask with methane, ammonia, and hydrogen—components thought to have been in the early atmosphere. They filled the...
Lithuania - country.
pollution. III PEOPLE Ethnic Lithuanians constitute about 80 percent of the country’s population. The proportion of Lithuanians increased slightly in the first years after the dissolution of theSoviet Union—many Lithuanians returned to their homeland from that country and abroad while some Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians left the country. Russiansand Poles constitute the country’s largest minority groups, each accounting for roughly 7 percent of the population. Jews were the largest mino...
- Lecture analytique : Jules Laforgue, « Apothéose »
World War I .
and troops to Europe from the United States and other overseas sources. In 1914 Britain implemented a sea blockade of Germany to prevent the delivery of importssuch as food and war materials. The same year, Germany began using submarines to disrupt Allied seaborne traffic and prevent supplies from reaching Britain. In 1915Germany instituted a submarine blockade around Britain. From February 1915 to September 1915 and again in 1917, Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare,sinking ships withou...
September 11 Attacks - U.
around and flew it back toward Washington, D.C. Flying low and fast, the airplane hit the Pentagon at 9:37 AM. In a bit of good fortune, the plane crashed into the west side of the building, which had recently been reinforced with stronger construction and blast-resistant windows in order to withstand a terrorist attack. Even so, theplane penetrated three of the Pentagon’s five concentric rings, taking a chunk out of the building and incinerating dozens of offices and the people who worked in t...
Qing Dynasty - History.
The Manchus also dealt with the problem of Russian expansion into northeastern Asia. In 1689 the Treaty of Nerchinsk was signed by an envoy from the Manchu courtand a Russian representing Peter the Great. The treaty, the first between China and a Western country, established territorial boundaries and defined rules ofcommerce for the two powers. Through the mid-18th century, the Manchus continued to consolidate their power. In 1720 the Qing ruler sent forces to fight the Mongols in Tibet and the...
- Alfred De Musset Et L'homme Romantique
- Livre du professeur 4eme hatier
Planetary Science - astronomy.
III ORIGINS AND COMPOSITIONS OF PLANETS Astronomers believe that planetary systems are formed of elemental materials that were created in the interiors of giant stars. Some of this material comes from giantstars that shed material into space as they age. Most of the matter to form planets, however, comes from stars that explode as supernovas and spread debris enrichedwith the heavier chemical elements into space. According to the currently accepted views, the most likely first stage in the evo...
Japan - country.
island’s fertile soils support agriculture and provide the vast majority of Japan’s pasturelands. In addition, Hokkaidō contains coal deposits, and the cold currents off itsshores supply cold-water fish. Winters are long and harsh, so most of Hokkaid ō is lightly settled, housing about 5 percent of Japan’s population on approximately 20 percent of its land area. However,its snowy winters and unspoiled natural beauty attract many skiers and tourists. Hokkaid ō is thought of as Japan’s northern fr...
China - country.
North China lies between the Mongolian Steppe on the north and the Yangtze River Basin on the south. It stretches west from the Bo Hai gulf and the Yellow Sea to theeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Administratively, North China includes Beijing and Tianjin municipalities; Shandong and Shanxi provinces; most of Hebei, Henan,and Shaanxi provinces; and portions of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and of Jiangsu, Anhui, and Gansu provinces. Humans have lived in the agriculturally rich region of Nor...
Alabama (state) - geography.
indentations along the coast are measured, the state’s shoreline is 977 km (607 mi) long. It includes the shores of Mobile Bay, an inlet 56 km (35 mi) long at the mouthof the Mobile River. Barrier beaches partly block the entrance to the bay, leaving narrow openings on either side of Dauphin Island. Dauphin and other islands alongAlabama’s coast west of Mobile Bay are separated from the mainland by Mississippi Sound. D Climate Alabama has a humid subtropical climate, with short, relatively mild...