474 résultats pour "coloniales"
Latin American Architecture
Oldest Cathedral in the Western Hemisphere
The oldest cathedral in the Western hemisphere is the Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor, constructed between 1512 and
1541 in Santo Domingo, now the capitol of the Dominican Republic.
Colonial FortressThe imposing fortress of San Felipe de Barajas, in the foreground, was built in the mid-17th century to defend the colonialport settlement of Cartagena. Modern day Cartagena, Colombia, can be seen in the background.Dave G. Houser/Post-Houserstock/Corbis The use of architecture and urban planning as tools of European conquest is a recurrent theme in Latin American history. King Philip II of Spain ordered town plannersto use a grid or checkerboard plan for the layout of new towns...
- Berlin (Conférence coloniale de)
Thème 4 : Colonisation et décolonisation Chapitre 7 : Le temps des dominations coloniales 2 2. La situation des puissances européennes en Afriq ue en 1914 a-t-elle évoluée ? La pénétration européenne sest considérablement in tensifiée en 1914 et de nouveaux protagonistes, comme lAllemagne et lItalie, se sont implantés su r le continent. Ainsi, dans les premières années du XXe siècle, lAfrique est presque entièrement conqu ise par quelques puissances européennes...
Attrait pour les voyages et les mondes inconnus, prosélytisme, appât du gain, stratégie
économique ou politique, les motifs de la colonisation furent multiples, autant que les formes
qu'elle adopta.
de découvrir de nouvelles routes après la fermeture de la Méditerranée par les Turcs, hausse du prix des épices, pénurie de métaux pour le battage des monnaies). À cela s'ajoutaient la curiosité pour des mondes inconnus, l'esprit d'aventure de nobles désargentés et oisifs après l'achèvement de la Reconquista espagnole et une volonté d'évangélisation. Les découvertes de ces explorateurs (Amérique par Christophe Colomb, 1492 ; route maritime des Indes par Vasco de Gama, 1498) furent à l'origine de...
Colonialism and Colonies.
by plundering the riches of existing civilizations in the Americas and by seizing the area’s mineral wealth through mining. These practices were promoted by the policy of mercantilism that many European colonial powers adopted. Those who advocated mercantilism believed that exports toforeign countries were preferable both to trade within a country and to imports because exports brought more money into the country. They also believed that thewealth of a nation depended primarily on the possession...
Colonialism and Colonies .
by plundering the riches of existing civilizations in the Americas and by seizing the area’s mineral wealth through mining. These practices were promoted by the policy of mercantilism that many European colonial powers adopted. Those who advocated mercantilism believed that exports toforeign countries were preferable both to trade within a country and to imports because exports brought more money into the country. They also believed that thewealth of a nation depended primarily on the possession...
American Revolution.
C1 The South Southern agriculture was founded on the cultivation of tobacco, wheat, and corn in Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina, and of rice and indigo (a blue dye) in SouthCarolina and Georgia. There was a large demand for these crops in Europe. These crops were cultivated with the help of black slaves imported from Africa. The whiteplanter class in the South was the most powerful, both politically and economically. C2 The North Wheat was the main cash crop of the mid-Atlantic colonies...
American Revolution - U.
C1 The South Southern agriculture was founded on the cultivation of tobacco, wheat, and corn in Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina, and of rice and indigo (a blue dye) in SouthCarolina and Georgia. There was a large demand for these crops in Europe. These crops were cultivated with the help of black slaves imported from Africa. The whiteplanter class in the South was the most powerful, both politically and economically. C2 The North Wheat was the main cash crop of the mid-Atlantic colonies...
African American History - U.
In their day-to-day lives, slaves and servants shared similar grievances and frequently formed alliances. Advertisements seeking the return of slaves and servants whohad run away together filled colonial newspapers. When a slave named Charles escaped in 1740, the Pennsylvania Gazette reported that two white servants, a 'Scotch man' and an Englishman, escaped with him. Sometimes interracial alliances involved violence. During Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, slaves and servants took up armsagainst Na...
French and Indian War.
Virginia as well as the French governor-general of Canada had attempted to seize their lands. After receiving large presents of supplies and arms, the Iroquoisgrudgingly renewed their alliances with the British colonies. Delegates then moved on to plan other defensive measures. An important topic was a plan of union developed by Benjamin Franklin. The Albany Plan, as it became known, proposed a single institution to govern all of the Britishcolonies in America. Under the plan, each colony would...
French and Indian War - Canadian History.
Virginia as well as the French governor-general of Canada had attempted to seize their lands. After receiving large presents of supplies and arms, the Iroquoisgrudgingly renewed their alliances with the British colonies. Delegates then moved on to plan other defensive measures. An important topic was a plan of union developed by Benjamin Franklin. The Albany Plan, as it became known, proposed a single institution to govern all of the Britishcolonies in America. Under the plan, each colony would...
Guerra de la Independencia estadounidense - historia.
acordaron no consumir los productos británicos sobre los que recaían los nuevos impuestos y la oposición política fue canalizada a través de la junta colonial deMassachusetts. Los primeros enfrentamientos armados tuvieron lugar en junio de 1768, cuando ciudadanos de Boston se amotinaron por la detención del navío Liberty; y en marzo de 1770, cuando tuvo lugar la denominada matanza de Boston, en la que tropas británicas acabaron con la vida de cinco colonos de esta ciudad. Cediendo al bloqueo c...
Zimbabwe - country.
contamination—especially from the dieldrin and DDT used in tsetse fly control—has significantly affected wildlife and human health. III PEOPLE AND SOCIETY OF ZIMBABWE In 2008 Zimbabwe’s population was estimated to be 12,382,920, giving the country a population density of 32 persons per sq km (83 per sq mi). With a birth rate of27 per 1,000 and a death rate of 22 per 1,000, Zimbabwe’s population growth rate is 0.6 percent. Life expectancy at birth was estimated at 40 years in 2008, downfrom 59...
L'émancipation des peuples dépendants depuis 1945 (histoire)
mouvement nationaliste, le Parti du Congrès, dirigé par Gandhi et Nehru, animait la lutte nationaliste. Dans lesannées 1920, les Britanniques n'avaient pas hésité à réprimer violemment le mouvement national indien. Le choixd'engager, dès 1945, des négociations avec les nationalistes, était dicté par un certain réalisme politique. Lesnégociations s'engagèrent alors que le pays était secoué par les violences entre les communautés hindoues etmusulmanes, provoquées par le refus...
L'Inde et la Pax britannica
SV_31_TX l'importation de tissus bon marché et l'impossibilité de dresser des barrières douanières. Le contrôle de la mer Rouge, l'Extrême-Orient et le Pacifique Sud. La colonisation des autres territoires est subordonnée aux intérêts britanniques en Inde. Avec l'aménagement du canal de Suez (1869) qui réduit considérablement le temps de voyage entre la métropole et l'Inde, le contrôle de la mer Rouge devient essentiel. L'établissement d'un protectorat en Égypte (1882) où Disraeli parvint à supp...
Declaration of Independence.
communication networks to publicize British actions and encourage demonstrations of defiance. Soon these committees and some colonial legislatures issued a call for anall-colony congress to discuss other appropriate responses to Britain’s actions. The Continental Congress first met in Philadelphia from September to the end of October1774. This body did not plan for war; instead, it debated the extent to which the colonies should carry their resistance to Great Britain. The First Continental Cong...
Declaration of Independence - U.
communication networks to publicize British actions and encourage demonstrations of defiance. Soon these committees and some colonial legislatures issued a call for anall-colony congress to discuss other appropriate responses to Britain’s actions. The Continental Congress first met in Philadelphia from September to the end of October1774. This body did not plan for war; instead, it debated the extent to which the colonies should carry their resistance to Great Britain. The First Continental Cong...
African Theater
African Theater, traditional, historical, and contemporary dramatic forms in Africa south of the Sahara.
The period after World War II ended in 1945 led to the struggle for and achievement of independence in many African countries. The new nation-states were oftenestablished along colonial boundaries and power was handed over to a bourgeois class who had been educated in Europe. The epoch-making era of nationalismproduced a number of African playwrights who merged African theatrical traditions with European forms. These plays are still widely performed and read in many partsof the continent. Nigeri...
African Theater
African Theater, traditional, historical, and contemporary dramatic forms in Africa south of the Sahara.
The period after World War II ended in 1945 led to the struggle for and achievement of independence in many African countries. The new nation-states were oftenestablished along colonial boundaries and power was handed over to a bourgeois class who had been educated in Europe. The epoch-making era of nationalismproduced a number of African playwrights who merged African theatrical traditions with European forms. These plays are still widely performed and read in many partsof the continent. Nigeri...
Spanish Empire.
Spain’s royal government quickly imposed its own officials, first to collect taxes and then to administer the colony. Its goal was to assert royal control over both settlersand indigenous peoples. In Spain the government established a House of Trade to supervise colonial affairs and to oversee, license, and tax all trade and commerce. Asthe royal government asserted more authority over colonial activities, Columbus lost effective power, and was eventually replaced by other colonial governors. Wi...
Spanish Empire .
Spain’s royal government quickly imposed its own officials, first to collect taxes and then to administer the colony. Its goal was to assert royal control over both settlersand indigenous peoples. In Spain the government established a House of Trade to supervise colonial affairs and to oversee, license, and tax all trade and commerce. Asthe royal government asserted more authority over colonial activities, Columbus lost effective power, and was eventually replaced by other colonial governors. Wi...
Benjamin Franklin.
Copley Medal for distinguished contributions to experimental science. Franklin also exerted a great influence on education in Pennsylvania. In 1749 he wrote thepamphlet Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania; its publication led to the establishment in 1751 of the Academy of Philadelphia, later to become the University of Pennsylvania. The curriculum he suggested departed considerably from the study of the Greek and Roman classics then in vogue. Instead itemphasized Engl...
Benjamin Franklin - USA History.
Copley Medal for distinguished contributions to experimental science. Franklin also exerted a great influence on education in Pennsylvania. In 1749 he wrote thepamphlet Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania; its publication led to the establishment in 1751 of the Academy of Philadelphia, later to become the University of Pennsylvania. The curriculum he suggested departed considerably from the study of the Greek and Roman classics then in vogue. Instead itemphasized Engl...
South America - Geography.
South America is dominated by relatively warm climatic regimes. Spanning nearly the entire continent along the equator is a belt of humid tropical climate that grades tothe north and south into broad zones where the length of the rainy season and the amount of rainfall diminish. These zones have wet summers and dry winters and aresubject to prolonged droughts. Droughts are a particularly serious problem in northeastern Brazil and along the northern coast of Venezuela and Colombia. The areas ofra...
Bolivia - country.
E Plants and Animals Because of the wide variations in elevation, plant and animal species of nearly every climatic zone are found in Bolivia. A coarse grass, called ichu, grows on the largelybarren high plateau in the west. Para rubber trees, more than 2,000 species of hardwood trees, and vanilla, sarsaparilla, and saffron plants are common in the tropicalforests of the east. The llama, found chiefly on the Altiplano, is an efficient beast of burden. Alpacas and vicuñas also inhabit the platea...
Indian Treaties in Canada - Canadian History.
Pontiac led an attack on British forts in the Great Lakes area to end British domination and to reinforce Indian autonomy. In response, British king George III issued theRoyal Proclamation of 1763 to try to appease the Indians of the interior. The proclamation set aside land for the Indians west of the Appalachian Mountains anddescribed this land as “lands reserved to [Indians] … as their Hunting Grounds.” The proclamation not only recognized Indian land ownership, but also required thattreaties...
Vanuatu - country.
and Luganville. V GOVERNMENT Vanuatu is governed under a constitution that came into effect with the republic’s independence in 1980. The president of Vanuatu serves as head of state, a largelyceremonial office. The president is elected by Vanuatu’s parliament and the heads of regional government councils. The parliament, or legislature, is a single-chamberbody whose membership has increased several times since independence; in 1998 the parliament had 52 members. Members of parliament are chose...
- L'Afrique dans la tourmente post-coloniale
La première guerre mondiale et les colonies allemandes africaines
européennes et politiques jouent un rôle fondamental dans l'éclatement du conflit jusqu'en Afrique. Les rivalités impérialistes ont fait naître le conflit qui a mené à l'affrontement entre les puissances européennes. L'Allemagne, qui est unifiée en 1871, doit rattraper un retard considérable dans la conquête coloniale par rapport aux deux grands empires coloniaux, la Grande-Bretagne et la France. La Grande-Bretagne a pris une avance considérable dans son industrialisation. Effectivement, à la f...
La France et la Grande-Bretagne face à la décolonisation
L’opposition irréductible entre hindous et musulmans conduit à la création de deux états indépendants en 1947 .L’Union indienne à majorité hindouiste dirigée parNehru. Le Pakistan à majorité musulmane dirigé par Jinnah.Cette séparation de l’Inde provoque des déplacements de population et des massacres(1 million de morts) et coûte la vie à Gandhi assassiné en 1948. La décolonisation de l’Afrique débute dans les territoires britanniques où existe depuis les années 20 des organis...
colonisation - relations internationales.
colonie, reflétant ainsi les nouvelles relations existant entre les pays d’Europe occidentale, d’une part, et les continents américain, asiatique et africain, d’autre part. Cettenouvelle donne s’est également traduite par l’apparition du terme de colonisation qui, à partir du XVIIIe siècle, désigne l’action de coloniser. L’époque moderne voit en effet se généraliser les relations de domination dans le cadre colonial. Sous le coup de leur évolution économique et politique, les pays d’Europeocci...
devoir cned
l'affiche un indigène qui récolte dans un pays qui semble pauvre. Les colonisés sont privés de droits à cause du Code de l'indigénat et sont soumis au travail forcé, ce code correspond à l'ensemble des mesures juridiques appliqués par l'administration coloniale aux indigènes qui ont un statut inférieur aux citoyens français. Le parti communiste nous évoque l'insuffisance des investissements publics et privés, du sous-développement des territoires et du développement de la pauvreté des colonisés....
- Aimé Césaire - Discours sur le colonialisme
Césaire, Aimé - écrivain.
5 LE COMBAT POLITIQUE DE « PAPA CÉSAIRE » Parallèlement à son œuvre littéraire, Aimé Césaire mène une carrière politique de premier plan. Élu député en 1945 sous la bannière du Parti communiste (PCF) — il conserve son siège pendant 48 ans —, il devient la même année maire de Fort-de- France (pendant 56 ans). En 1946, en tant que député, il est le rapporteur de la loi qui transforme en département les colonies de Martinique (dont il devient conseiller général en 1956), Guadeloupe, Guyane et Ré...
DOCUMENTATION COMPLÉMENTAIRE L'ESSOR DU COMMERCE COLONIAL FRANÇAIS De 1715 à 1789 le commerce extérieur français connaît un grand essor. On estime qu'il a quintuplé : le commerce euro péen qui en est une composante a quadruplé mais le commerce colonial qui en est un élément essentiel a décuplé. C'est surtout dans la période 1715 -1750 que l' augmentation a été la plus forte : elle correspond à une longue période de paix entre la France...
Virreinato del Perú - historia.
y 1581, llevó a cabo la más importante labor de organización de la administración colonial en el virreinato peruano durante el siglo XVI, estableciendo las normas para laagrupación de los indios en reducciones y la distribución del trabajo indígena por medio de la mita. Mediante el empleo de ésta, el virrey Toledo proveyó de mano de obra alas minas de Potosí (productora de plata) y Huancavelica (de la que se extraía mercurio, necesario para la purificación argentífera), logrando así convertir al...
Kenya - country.
threatens fish and other water life in the lake by depriving them of oxygen. Kenya is well known for its game parks—including Masai Mara Game Park and Tsavo National Park in the south, and Marsabit National Reserve in the north—whichattract large numbers of tourists and much revenue. Conservation of wildlife within reserves has thus received high priority. About 13 percent (2007) of Kenya’s totalland is protected. There are 229 (2004) threatened species in Kenya. Threatened habitats include the...
Scramble for Africa.
additional territorial grabs. The most significant of these rules stated that colonial powers were obligated to notify each other when they claimed African territory.Further, subsequent “effective occupation” of the claimed area was necessary for the claim to remain valid. Through it all, as Europeans negotiated their rights toAfrican territory, not a single African was present. Once the conference was over, it was clear that a European Scramble for African territories was underway. Southern Afr...
Lima (Peru) - geography.
home to a wide range of museums, many focusing on Peru’s indigenous heritage. These include the National Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology, the GoldMuseum of Peru, the Museum of the Central Reserve Bank, and the Rafael Larco Herrera Museum, which specializes in pre-Hispanic ceramics. Art and history museumsare also found in metropolitan Lima, including the National Museum of the Republic, the Museum of Peruvian Culture, and the Museum of the Inquisition, in the buildingwhere colonial Cathol...
History of United States Business.
their lives. But the rewards were worth it; a few lucrative voyages and a merchant could buy a townhouse, a carriage, perhaps a summer retreat. The merchant couldclimb the social ladder and circulate among the powerful in this highly materialistic society. This prospect of riches and the honor that accompanied them made Americancolonists willing to engage in highly speculative enterprises, such as shipping flour to the West Indies or importing goods from England by the thousands without beingcer...
Abolitionist Movement.
The American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1799), widely seen as revolutions by citizens against oppressive rulers, transformed thisEnlightenment assertion into a call for universal liberty and freedom. The successful slave revolt that began in the French colony of Saint-Domingue in 1791 was part of this revolutionary age. Led by François Dominique ToussaintLouverture, black rebels overthrew the colonial government, ended slavery in the colony, and in 1804 established th...
Abolitionist Movement - U.
The American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1799), widely seen as revolutions by citizens against oppressive rulers, transformed thisEnlightenment assertion into a call for universal liberty and freedom. The successful slave revolt that began in the French colony of Saint-Domingue in 1791 was part of this revolutionary age. Led by François Dominique ToussaintLouverture, black rebels overthrew the colonial government, ended slavery in the colony, and in 1804 established th...
Amérique du Sud.
2.5 Climat Le climat de l'Amérique du Sud est relativement chaud. Une longue zone climatique humide et tropicale s'étire sur toute la largeur du continent à la hauteur de l'Équateur,se transformant graduellement vers le nord et vers le sud en de larges zones où la durée des saisons pluvieuses et les précipitations diminuent. Ces régions, aux étéshumides et aux hivers secs, sont soumises à des sécheresses prolongées. La sécheresse est un problème particulièrement grave dans le nord-est du Brésil...
Colonisation - décolonisation (HEC - Annales révision)
Réponses Pourquoi la colonisation ? Après 1870, l'Europe saisie d'une véritable fièvre expansionniste se par tage le monde. Ce renouveau de la conquête est essentiellement réalisé par la France et dans une mesure plus limitée par l'Allemagne et l'Italie. Le Royaume-Uni pour lequel la colonisation est l'expression naturelle de la vocation maritime n'a jamais connu de véritable interruption. Plusieurs facteurs concourent au phénomène co...
Les indépendances en Amérique latine
Mais l'Argentine ne peut garder la maîtrise des provinces de l'ancien vice-royaume. Le général Artigas refuse de reconnaître la souveraineté de l'Argentine sur l'Uruguay. Le Paraguay, dirigé par un notaire, José Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia (1766-1840), reste isolé et s'achemine discrètement vers l'Indépendance. Dans le Haut-Pérou, les loyalistes conservent le pouvoir. • FeniRJnd VI/ a retrouvé son trône en 1814 . Partout, sauf en Argentine, les royalis...
History museums are dedicated to promoting a greater appreciation and knowledge of history and its importance to understanding the present and anticipating thefuture. They range from historic sites and small historic house museums to large, encyclopedic institutions such as the Smithsonian’s National Museum of AmericanHistory in Washington, D.C. Many cities and states have historical societies that operate museums or historic sites. History museums usually collect a wide range ofobjects, includi...
Sujet : les résistances à la conquête coloniale française
Sujet : les résistances à la conquête coloniale française Introduction Après la conférence de Berlin, les Etats européens se lancent à la conquête de l’Afrique. C'est ainsi que les Français arrivent en côte d'Ivoire . Cependant les ivoiriens ne seront pas passifs face à l’occupation de leur territoire par les Français. Les français vont se heurtés à des résistances dans toutes les régions ivoiriennes . Dés lors quelles ont été les causes et les formes de résistance coloniales françaises...
Amérique latine, art d' - beaux-arts.
Cathédrale Santa María la Menor (Saint-Domingue, République dominicaine) Capitale de la République dominicaine, Saint-Domingue a été fondée en 1496. La cathédrale Santa María la Menor, construite entre 1514 et 1520, est la première cathédrale à avoir été bâtie surle Nouveau Monde.Tom Bean/ALLSTOCK, INC. Le XVIe siècle se caractérise en Amérique latine par la destruction des édifices anciens, au profit de nouvelles réalisations architecturales. Des cités amérindiennes sont alors démolies, parf...
La révolte des Mau-Mau instaure l'indépendance du Kenya
Un Kikuyu en conversation avec un policier kenyan La révolte des Mau .. Mau instaure l' indépendance du Kenya C'est en décréta nt l'état d'urgence qu'en 1952 la pui ssance coloniale des Britanniqu es réagit à la terreur des sociétés secrètes du Kenya, appelées Mau-Mau. Jomo Kenyatta, considér é comme le chef de la réb ellion, est condamné à sept ans de prison. S ous le terme de Mau-Mau, les Britanniques regroupent des sociétés secrètes des Kikouyous,...